Kahoot is a game based learning platform for schools. It is free and carries no adverts. Registration is very simple via the page
Once in, it’s very easy to create games with a picture and questions. At least one answer must be correct for each question.
You launch the game and the students are given a game pin number to enter.
Students can join by going to This can be done on any smart device or computer. An icon can be easily installed on the desktop. It is NOT an app.
Students can give themselves any name, but you can kick them from the login if you do not like that name.
On the Smartboard On the computer/tablet or device.
You can download results, reaction times and also feedback on an Excel spreadsheet or web page to evaluate the learning of the students and highlight where there may need to be follow up work.
HYPERLINKS TO TUTORIALS Best way to evaluate, is to try it!