We are going to show you that there are many subjects that we use every day and contain chemicals and we don’t even know it.
We will se the chemical in our backyard: Swimming Pool Chemicals, Chlorine: It's in liquid form. Chlorine is used in pools for killing bacteria, controlling algae in the water and keeping the walls and bottom of the pool clean. It is not safe to drink pool water because pool water is open to contamination infections from the air and all the people in it and because the concentration of chlorine and other chemicals is higher in the pool water. It can cause breathing problems and eye and skin burning. If swallowed it burns the throat and this can be fatal. Depending on the level of exposure, medical help should be sought.
Insect Repellents: They are pesticides used for keeping insets away. Some common types are mosquitoes and tick repellents. These products come in spray cans, small bottles of liquid, cream or stick. People apply them on their skin or clothes. Never get repellents in your eyes or mouth or in cuts on your skin. Do not spray them on your face. If you do, take a bath. For more serious cases seek medical help.
Weed Killers: They are pesticides that kill weeds.They come in the form of sprays, powders and are mixed with fertilizers and are known as herbicides. Some of these are not toxic or poisonous but still they cause burning in the eyes and on the skin. Some others can be very toxic. They are harmful if swallowed or inhaled or if you get a large amount of it on your skin.
Baits for Rodent Control: Pesticides are used to get rid of mice and rats (rodents)that come in the house or yard. These products come in the form of powder or little pellets (tablets) and they have no odour (smell). They are very poisonous and when rats or mice eat it, they become sick and die. They should not be stored in places near food or where children or pets might reach them. If you get any on your skin, wash it off immediately.
Swimming Pool Chemicals, Algicides: Pesticides that kill algae, (green 'foam' on the surface of the pool water that makes the water look cloudy and if it is not cleaned, the water takes a green/mustard color).Algicides come in liquid form and are used together with other chemicals to treat the pool water. They are added in the pool several times over the summer. They come in strong concentration in their containers and they are diluted with water. If you get these chemicals on your eyes or skin, wash it off with lots of water right away.
Students: Φώτης Βουτουρή Αντρέας Λαζάρου Κυριάκος Λοίζου