GCSE Poetry Unit
Today we are learning to … …explore and analyse a poem.
Literature: Unit 2 (poetry across time) Section A Essay on anthology poems studied in class. Clean copy of anthology provided in exam. Section B Analysis of an unseen poem provided in exam. Unit 1: Of Mice and Men and Sunlight On Grass
1 PERSONAL RESPONSE What is the subject matter of the poem? What is the poem trying to do – is there a message? Is it trying to create an emotive response from you? What is your response/how does it make you feel? EXPLORING A POEM Write bullet –pointed notes
2 VOICE Who seems to be speaking in the poem? What type of voice and tone of voice do you imagine them speaking in? EXPLORING A POEM Try reading lines from the poem to each other out loud. Experiment - use different tones of voice. Try emphasising different words. Write bullet –pointed notes
Homework: complete the table
Poems focusing on different kinds of conflict Experienced by people Caused by people Conflict within countries (e.g. civil war) and between countries Reasons for conflict Effects of conflict Contemporary and heritage poetry Historical and current conflicts New perspectives on historical conflict Effects of conflict on the individual, groups and society Exploring feelings of conflict in a wider sense. Conflict
Poems we will study Flag – John Agard Out of the Blue – Simon Armitage (extract) Mametz Wood – Owen Shears The Yellow Palm – Robert Minhinnick The Right Word – Imtiaz Dharker At the Border, 1979 – Choman Hardi Belfast Confetti – Ciaran Carson Poppies – Jane Weir Futility – Wilfred Owen The Charge of the Light Brigade – Alfred Tennyson Bayonet Charge – Ted Hughes The Falling Leaves – Margaret Postgate Cole ‘Come On, Come Back’ – Stevie Smith next to of course god america i – E. E. Cummings Hawk Roosting – Ted Hughes
Assessment objectives: what the examiner is looking for AO1: respond to texts critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. AO2: explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings. AO3: make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects. Understand the poems, be able to discuss the themes, meanings and techniques using evidence from the poems to support your view. IN OTHER WORDS: Be able to compare poems based on themes, techniques and meaning. Have your own opinion! Be able to identify and analyse language techniques and structural features and link them back to the themes/meaning of the poems.