What is Spousal Abuse? Violence against women and girls is one of the most wide spread violations of human rights around the world Spousal or domestic abuse refers to the violence or mistreatment that a woman or a man may experience at the hands of a marital partner. Spousal abuse may happen at any time during a relationship, including while it is breaking down, or after it has ended.
What is Spousal Abuse? (Continued) There are several different forms of domestic abuse including: – Physical – Sexual – Emotional –Verbal – Economic – Spiritual 3rfk2iFww&feature =related
Facts 1 to 2 women are murdered by a current or former partner each week in Canada 36% of female victims of spousal violence and less than 10% of victims of sexual assault reported these crimes to the police in In 2004, twice as many women than men were beaten by their partners and four times as many were choked.
40% of women who turn up in emergency departments of hospitals are there because of abuse. In 54% of violent marriages, rape is a significant or major form of abuse 40% of women who were abused during pregnancy reported that the abuse began when they were pregnant.
Affects of Abusive Homes on their Children SJF50kwwRJE&feature=related
Affects of Abusive Homes on their Children (continued) Each year an estimated 3.3 million children are exposed to violence against their mothers by another family member Studies show that child abuse occurs in 30 to 60 % of domestic violence cases that involve families with children. In families where the mother is assaulted by the father, daughters are at risk of sexual abuse 6.51 times greater than girls in non- abusive families
Affects of Abusive Homes on their Children (continued) A child's exposure to the father abusing the mother is the strongest risk factor for transmitting violent behaviour from one generation to the next In a 36-month study of 146 children, ages who came from homes where there was spousal abuse, all sons over the age of 14 attempted to protect their mothers from attacks. About 62 percent of them were injured in the process.
Affect of Abuse on Children Children who are exposed to violence can include emotional trauma, depression, injury and permanent disability, as well as other physical, psychological and behavioural problems that can extend into adolescence and adulthood.
Women’s Help Centers There are many women centres all over in Ontario that are open whenever you need them to be. If there is no way to get there, there are help lines available whenever. Most of the websites that you can visit have a panic button in the corner in case your spouse comes home and it will close the page and delete the history. atch?v=aJX8S5Cw0c8&fe ature=related Martha house- good shepherds women centre Hamilton, Interval house of Hamilton- Wentworth Hamilton, Native women center Hamilton, Inasmuch house Hamilton,
Red Flags of a Future Abusive Relationship - Jealously - Controlling behaviour - Quick involvement - Unrealistic expectations - Isolations - Blames others m/watch?v=82c22jbLV cE&feature=related - Cruelty to animals and or children - “playful” use of force in sex - Verbal abuse - If you feel afraid - Criticize you - Ignore you - Drink a lot often
November 25th National day of the elimination of violence against women Raises awareness to women around the world that are raped, domestically abused and are victims of other forms of abuse. People are encouraged to wear a white ribbon for awareness of domestic violence Women activists first marked this day in 1981