General information they are one of the oldest animals on our planet they have existed for over 200,000,000 years can live to be 100 years old or even older most turtles are omnivores there are salt-water or fresh-water turtles of the many species alive today some are highly endangered turtles are also useful indicators of the vitality of the overall marine environment
How do they look like? turtles have no teeth turtle shells are built into their skeletonall they have a beak with a hard, sharp edge that they use to cut food turtles have good eyesight and an excellent sense of smell some aquatic turtles can absorb oxygen through their skin on their neck
Interesting facts sea turtles have been swimming the Earth's oceans for well over 100 million years, even pre-dating many dinosaurs some turtles can swim up to 20 miles per hour painted turtles can stay in water without air for 150 days at 32 degrees F. some land turtles can out run a human. turtles cannot protrude their tongues from their mouths.
Where do they live? turtles live on every continent except Antarctica turtles cannot be warm and active in cold weather, and so they cannot live in regions that are cold throughout the year.
Turtles in their natural habitat eat a wide variety of foods according to the season Map Turtles prefer eating meat River Cooter’s diet comprises primarily of plants Malayan Box Turtle’s feed should include lots of plants with only a small amount of meat American Box Turtle is an omnivore which eats just about everything
Cvancigerová Katarína 2.B