 The reintegration of ex-prisoners is depending on a few principal factors: the motivation of an individual and the attitude of the society.  In the.


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Presentation transcript:

 The reintegration of ex-prisoners is depending on a few principal factors: the motivation of an individual and the attitude of the society.  In the process of ex-prisoners’ adaptation social-psychological problems are observed and described.

 In Lithuania there are no effective long-term models of social support and integration into labor market that could unite all the resources available in the system.  Is it possible to implement one?

Criminal offences recorded Share of criminal offences investigated Specialized courts CrimeRecorded victimsCourts of appeal Serious crimeSuspect (the accused)Police officer Grave crimeDetaineeAdults MisdemeanourConvictJuveniles Criminal offences investigated Courts of general competence Children

 To improve qualification or re-qualify social workers of municipalities and non-governmental organizations;  To provide psychological and professional counseling and vocational training to convicts. The Training Service of the Lithuanian Labor Exchange provided psychological and professional counseling for convicts.  To provide vocational training for persons returning from imprisonment and to find jobs for persons returning from imprisonment.  To support projects of organizations aimed at social rehabilitation and integration into the society of convicts and persons returning from imprisonment.  To collect information from municipalities about their social assistance provided to persons returning from imprisonment.

Social undertakings defined:  It shall be an independent small or medium company meeting the requirements set in the Law on Small and Medium Businesses  A company with no less than 40 % of employees from target groups and no less than 4 employees.  A company is involved in the development of working and social skills of employees as well as social integration.  Income from non-supported activities of social enterprises is not higher than 20 %.

Source: Crime and the Law Enforcement Activity 2009 ISSN Statistical publication Lithuanian–English By Department of Statistics under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, 2010

Iš viso851664Total Amžiaus grupės:Age groups: iki 14 metų under 14 years 14–15 metų –15 years Berniukai777552Boys Mergaitės74112Girls

As of January Visi nuteistiejiAll convicts vidutinė bausmės vykdymo trukmė pagal nuosprendį 5 m. 4 mėn. 20 d. 5 m. 7 mėn. 8 d. average time of the execution of imprisonment by sentence vidutinė reali bausmės atlikimo trukmė 1 m. 11 mėn. 1 d. 2 m. 7 d.average real time of imprisonment NepilnamečiaiJuveniles vidutinė bausmės vykdymo trukmė pagal nuosprendį 3 m.3 m. 19 d.average time of the execution of imprisonment by sentence vidutinė reali bausmės atlikimo trukmė 1 m. 1 mėn. 23 d. 1 m. 26 d.average real time of imprisonment

As of January 1 Amžiaus grupės, metais TotalmalesfemalesAge groups, years Adults – – – – – years and older Juveniles –17

As of January Visi nuteistiejiAll convicts vidutinė bausmės vykdymo trukmė pagal nuosprendį 5 m. 4 mėn. 20 d. 5 m. 7 mėn. 8 d. average time of the execution of imprisonment by sentence vidutinė reali bausmės atlikimo trukmė 1 m. 11 mėn. 1 d. 2 m. 7 d.average real time of imprisonment NepilnamečiaiJuveniles vidutinė bausmės vykdymo trukmė pagal nuosprendį 3 m.3 m. 19 d.average time of the execution of imprisonment by sentence vidutinė reali bausmės atlikimo trukmė 1 m. 1 mėn. 23 d. 1 m. 26 d.average real time of imprisonment

Totaladultsjuveniles Total convicts released after the execution of punishment released from a custodial sentence on parole released from the place of confinement on parole having been granted pardon due to illness having amended the judgement by way of appeal or cassation procedure -2xx-2 suspended sentence for juveniles Convicts’ deaths of which suicides

Adults were studying were working average gross monthly earnings, LTL Juveniles were studying

 Caritas of Lithuania, Caritas of Vilnius;  Charity and culture society of Evangelical Lutheran parish “Sandora”;  Christian charity fund “Samarija”;  Lithuanian Society for Prisoner Care;  Others

 Mentoring;  Involvement of relatives;  Social services (temporary housing, welfare, food supply, etc.);  Workplace subsidies, public works;  Consulting;  Others


 The ones related to the intensive services of employment, supervision and assistance;  The programs oriented to improving ones motivation (programs that include motivated ex-prisoners, parents and relatives, mentors);  Transitional Employment

 The main idea is to create Innovative Phasing Practical Model of social integration (the IPPM model);  Model involves applying of short-term work system for persons released from prison, learning and working motivation courses (improving of the working skills) in the employer's organizations;  Model would improve the working skills of the target group, motivate former convicted to work, would nurture their social responsibilities and enable target group persons to identify their positive characteristics and to develop its value added.  The model will be implemented in three phases.

Mentoring is superior to the other forms of professional consulting:  Mentor helps the program participant(client) to understand the responsibility for his labor activities;  The relationship among the mentor and consultant are based on cooperation;  Employment is not the only thing that matters. Learning, understanding working environment, adaptation are equally important. The participant of the program can experience the consequences of his choices;  Both specialists (social workers, psychologists) and non- specialists (the members of NGOs, other professionals) can become mentors.

 The organization that implements the integration program of ex-prisoners should consider individual, group-based and combined models;  Mentoring is possible at the workplace and beyond

 Support of various nature;  Determining the needs;  Observation and supervision;  Conflict solution.