Shooting Yourself in the Foot A Phony Life-Changing Experience – Have you ever been a different person since the day you lost the big game while learning a valuable lesson? Doubtful. An admissions officer wont buy it! Making Everything Peachy Keen – Avoid telling how you encountered a problem, found a solution, and lived happily ever after. Self-congratulation does not play well in an essay, and neither does the superficial sense that everything works out in the end.
Shooting Yourself in the Foot Social Problem of the Year Bandwagon – Remember Hurricane Katrina? Want to guess how many essays were written that year about responding to disasters and taking care of refugees? Don’t touch global warming or similar topics with a ten-foot pole. Don’t write about an issue that everybody is else is talking about. Melodrama – Straining for the dramatic always ends badly. Do so, and you’ll get something like, “the last gleaming rays of the sun bathed the field in a soft orange glow as we strode confidently from the huddle to begin the fourth quarter.”
Shooting Yourself in the Foot Quoting Pop Lyrics – What sounds profound on your iPod may seem silly or trite in an essay. Bob Dylan, Boxcar Willy or something similarly out of the ordinary – okay. Rebecca Black – do I even have to say it. Edit, Edit, Edit. From main idea to weak verbs, edit your work. P.S. Don’t trust spell check!
The College Essay Fiske, Edward and Hammond, Bruce. Real College Essays That Work. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Print.