Orcas Haley Hammond
Classification Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Chordata Subphylum- Vertebrata Class- Mammalia Order- Cetacea Family- Delphimidae Genus- Orcinus Species- Orca
Dimensions Length ft Height - its a whale its not tall Weight - 15,840 lbs or 7.5 tons Shape – streamlined Colors and markings - black and white.
Habitat Part of the world orcas live in- they prefer colder climate waters though they can be found in tropical waters. (blue represents where orcas can be found)
Diet Orcas are carnivores. They eat things such as...Seals, sea lions, smaller whales and dolphins, fish, sharks, squid, octopi, sea turtle, sea birds, sea otters, penguins, polar bears, and other animals.
Family Life Offspring born; 1 Gestation period; 12 to 18 months Most claves are born during the winter. The males and females in the pod help raise the calf.
Social Behavior Social behavior-very social and complex animals. Can live in a pod with up to 50 whales. Temperament- there are very few records of orcas ever attacking humans. Habits and unique behavior- some orcas that live in more tropical waters eat stingrays.
Defenses Defenses: It can bite with its big teeth, ram an enemy or slap it with its tail Acquiring food: They hunt in pods and share food with other pod members Life span: In captivity up to 16 years and in the wild years
History When did Orcas first appear? Orcas first appeared about 11 million years ago but the first primitive whale was around 53 to 54 million years ago Are Orcas endangered? Not officially but humans are polluting the water they live in and we take their food by overfishing
Relationship to humans We have never extensively hunted Orcas. They are capable of attacking things much larger then humans but don’t often attack humans Shamu is a popular example of a captive Orca, Orcas can be trained to do tricks and such.
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Questions!? o. O
O.K. that’s the end. Thanks for watching! -Haley H.