Killer Whales By John Winston
Killer Whales They live in cold places like north pole and the Antarctica. Indian ocean and the parlor waters and pacific ocean. Most killer whales live icy waters and around the northern south poles.
Killer Whales Habitat They live in cold places like north pole and the Antarctica. Indian ocean and the porler waters and pacific ocean. Most killer whales live icy waters and around the northern south poles
Killer Whales Family Killer whales family is called a pod. It can have 10 killer whales or less or even 50 whales. A killer whale protects all killer whales in the pod.
Killer Whales Young Young killer whales are born near the surface. A new born killer whales is huge it weighs nearly 400 pounds and is 7 feet long. A killer whale born in its mothers bally for months. Baby whales are called calfs. when a killer whale is 4 years old, it can eat meat. In one year, the killer whale will be ten feet long and weigh more than 1,000 pounds.
Killer Whale Teeth Killer whales have sharp teeth that are three-inch long and for teeth grape and teeth are helpful for killer whales
How Long are Killer Whales? A female killer whale is about 20 feet long. New born killer whale is eight feet long. A killer that is 5 years old will grow to be ten feet long.
Killer whales underwater senses A killer whales use a hearings sight aid taps. They also have a special tape of sense called echolocation.
What are The Differences Between a Male Orca and a Female Orca A male orcas are bigger than a female orca. Male orcas are longer then female orcas. A male orca is called a bull because there bigger females orcas are called cows.
How Long? A female orca is 20 feet long. A new born orca calf is eight feet long. A orca that is 5 years old will grow to be ten feet long. A female orca is 20 feet long. A new born orca calf is eight feet long. A orca that is 5 years old will grow to be ten feet long.
How Big? A new born is nearly 400 pounds. A five year old orca is more than 1,000 pounds and wan a orca is 31 years old it will be 12,000 pounds.
Behavior Killer whales have well developed, acute of hearing. A killer whale brain and nervous system. For the most part, killer whales in the wild are visible