-IAA Team Leader Role Adherence Assessment Survey Team Leader 1
-IAA Team Leader Responsibilities (1) Ensure the facility is expecting the team on the appointed day and that it is a day when the facility is expecting to see a number of patients Ensure the team arrives at the facility by the time the clinic opens Ensure there are enough data collection forms for the exercise and a laptop with data entry forms loaded Introduce the team to the facility management and ensure work starts promptly Team Leader 2
-IAA Team Leader Responsibilities (2) Assess the record keeping system, decide how to sample for the retrospective records, and start the process Find a suitable place for doing the exit interview and brief the dispenser on what is needed to direct relevant patients for interview Find a suitable place for extracting data from the records Manage the work of the team so that everyone is continuously busy, and that there are no bottlenecks, such as people without work because more sampling and record extraction is needed When the appearance of patients for interview speeds up or slows down, move data collectors to fulfill the need as appropriate Team Leader 3
-IAA Team Leader Responsibilities (3) When the work is underway, do the Facility Interview Review the work of the team as it occurs to ensure the forms are being filled in correctly Participate in the work where there is greatest need When retrospective records have been extracted, start one person on data entry on the computer. This may be the team leader as a way of quality control Team Leader 4
-IAA Team Leader Responsibilities (4) Make a note of what the sampling process was and any special attributes of the facility to help later interpretation Note the names and telephone number of key staff, such as the in-charge pharmacist or dispenser Say goodbye to the facility management and give initial feedback as to your experience Team Leader 5
-IAA Team Leader Responsibilities, (5) Get the team to the next survey site in order to be able to start promptly the next day Ensure the data has been double entered into the computer Check for any discrepancies on the double entry and decide the correct interpretation Communicate with the survey coordinator to brief them on experiences of the day