1 POINT What is a mineral?
4 POINTS What are the 4 conditions that determine if an object is a mineral?
1 POINT What is an element?
1 POINT What is a compound?
1 POINT What is a crystal?
1 POINT What are the two groups of minerals?
2 POINTS What two elements make up silicate minerals?
2 POINTS Name two classes of nonsilicate minerals.
3 POINTS Use the terms luster, streak, and cleavage in separate sentences.
1 POINT What is a crystalline structure?
1 POINT Which property is expressed in numbers? Fracture, cleavage, hardness, or streak
1 POINT How do you determine the streak of a mineral?
1 POINT Ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume (hint – m/v)
3 POINTS What can change the color of mineral? Why is color not a good way to identify minerals?
1 POINT What is the Mohs hardness scale?
2 POINTS What are the two types of mining?
1 POINT What can be mined for profit?
2 POINTS What are the two types of surface mines?
1 POINT What is reclamation?
1 POINT How can mining hurt the environment?
3 POINTS What are three conditions that are important in the formation of minerals?
4 POINTS What are some uses for metallic minerals? Name at least two.
4 POINTS What are some uses of nonmetallic minerals? List at least two.
1 POINT Which nonmetallic minerals are highly valued for their beauty and rarity rather than their usefulness?