Warm Up I am stranded on a deserted island. I have a small mirror in my pocketbook. I keep watching search and rescue planes fly overhead, but they can not see me on the island. Based on what you know about light, explain how I could use this mirror to help me get rescued.
Interactive Notebook Add this entry to your notebook: 6.P.1.2: Visible Light Also add this entry to your table of contents…
Our standard…. 6.P.1.2: Explain the relationship among visible light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and sight
Today’s objective is to find out…. What does it mean for light to be reflected? How can light be absorbed? How is light refracted in water? How can light be transmitted or scattered?
Study Jams video 1. How is light reflected? 2. How is light refracted? 3. How is light absorbed?
Light Light is a form of energy emitted by the Sun and light producing objects on Earth. Examples: a flashlight, classroom lights, a candle Write these notes!
Interactive notebooks…. Today you will be recording information and drawing various images for visible light You will find the next 2 blank pages in your notebook and draw a vertical line down the middle See teacher example The left side will be images The right side will be notes Does anyone have any questions?
6.P.1.2 Visible light Images Notes
Rotation around the room…. You will be recording notes and drawing pictures for visible light You will count from and start at the station that matches the number you counted After completing the first station, you will rotate around at your own pace to record all the information You will have 30 minutes to complete all stations GO and do not waste your time
Draw and label pictures….
Draw and label pictures…. Scattering
Draw and label pictures…. Transmission
Draw and label pictures…. Reflection
Draw and label pictures…. R-red O-orange Y-yellow G-green B-blue I-indigo V-violet Visible light
Visible Light Can be seen when light waves are emitted (given off) and light enters our eyes. Visible light travels in transverse waves. It has different wavelengths Human eyes only respond to “visible light wavelengths” within the electromagnetic spectrum Write these notes!
Introduction to Light Brain Pop video “Light”
How do we see different colors? Brain Pop video “Color” Bill Nye: Light and Color
Light Transmission – 2 types Definition - when light travels through a surface or object. 1. Direct: light goes through air or glass 2. Diffused: light goes through frosted materials (privacy glass) Write these notes!
Reflected Light - Notes Light hits a smooth surface and bounces off Light can be absorbed (taken in) or reflected (bounced off ) White light = contains all the colors (ROYGBIV) Absorbed light = the colors not seen Reflected light = the colors seen White objects reflect all the colors (ROYGBIV) Black objects absorb all the colors of light Write these notes!
Reflected Light - Notes White light shining on an apple: The color red bounces off the apple and enters our eyes while all the other colors are absorbed Write these notes!
Reflected Light: Introduction Video Discovery Ed video “ Reflected Light” (1:08 minutes)
The colors we see are the colors reflected by objects; this explains why different objects have different colors Green Shamrock (green is reflected) Yellow Banana (yellow is reflected) Orange Pumpkins (orange is reflected) Reflected Light
Reflected Light - Notes This is why we wear light colored clothes in the summer because more colors are reflected and we feel cooler This is why when we wear dark clothing in the summer, we feel hotter (it is absorbing light, just like our radiometer experiment too) Write these notes!
Now it’s your turn…. Pick five items in the classroom and for each item list what color is being reflected and what colors are being absorbed.
Ms. Maas’ Five! 1. Black Lab Table Tops = it is absorbing all colors (ROYGBIV) and reflecting black (we see) 2. Yellow Textbooks = reflecting yellow (we see) and absorbing ROGBIV 3. Blue Chairs = reflecting blue (we see) and absorbing ROYGIV 4. Green Plant = reflecting green (we see) and absorbing ROYBIV 5. American Flag Red Stripes = reflecting red (we see) and absorbing OYGBIV
Refracted Light: Introduction Video Discovery Ed video Refracted Light (1:44 minutes)
Refracted Light - Notes All the colors of the visible spectrum travel at their own unique speed. When light travels from one substance into another substance it changes speed and bends. Light travels slower through water and glass than it does through air Objects look broken or bent in water! Write these notes!
Refracted Light - Notes White light entering a glass prism can be refracted (or bent) and separated into the visible spectrum (ROYGBIV). Colors refract (bend) at different angles because each color travels at different speeds. Violet is bent the most and red is bent the least Write these notes!
Refracted Light - Notes White light through a prism = all seven colors refracted The refracted spectrum can be bent again, with a second prism = back to white light! Write these notes!
How do rainbows form? Brain Pop Video “Rainbows”
Refracted Light - Notes In nature, rainbows provide us with a beautiful spectrum Rainbows occur when sunlight is refracted in small droplets of water. The raindrops act like little water prisms that refract the light and form the rainbow.
Light Scattering When light interacts with an object causing the light to be redirected in all directions Light scattering = why the sky is blue during daytime and red and orange at sunrise and sunset Molecules in the air scatter blue light the most when the sun is overhead When is sun is rising or setting, we see red and orange colors because the blue light has been scattered out and away from our line of sight. Write these notes!
Next Test! Your next test will be on Monday, Nov. 25 (A day) or Tuesday, Nov. 26 th (B day) Please remember to study!!!
Optical Illusion Video
The Human Eye Discovery Ed video “The Human Eye” (2:17 minutes)
The Human Eye: Parts The Human Eye: Cornea Pupil Lens Retina Optic Nerve Brain
Human Eye Diagram
Cow Eye Dissection the box is a model of your eye. Light enters through the opening in the front of your eye (the iris) and passes through a crystalline lens. The lens focuses the light into an image that falls on your retina (the inside of the back of your eye). When an image falls on the retina, nerve cells send signals to your brain which are interpreted to create an image.
Listen to the video to find out these answers.. What does it mean for light to be reflected? What does it mean for light to be absorbed? When light is taken in by a substance. This allows some colors to be taken in while other colors are reflected (these are the colors we see) What does it mean for light to be refracted? When light travels from one substance into another substance it changes speed and bends.