Mobile Commerce Group 13 Jeannette Aleman David Crews Melvin Hibbler Connor Swartout
What is Mobile Commerce? Facts & Stats Video – The Impact of Mobile Commerce Mobile Commerce Growth Pros & Cons Mobile Commerce Trends Mobile Payments Privacy Concerns Mobile Commerce around the world
What is Mobile Commerce? The use of wireless handheld devices such as cellular phones and laptops to conduct commercial transactions online Began in 1997 in Helsinki, Finland Coca-Cola vending machines Payment from cell phone text message “Coined” in 1997 by Kevin Duffey Considered “Next-Generation E- Commerce”
Fun Facts and Stats
1.2B People accessing internet from mobile Online shoppers 51% research online and purchase in store 44% research online and purchase online Black Friday 2012 ¼ all online shopping done on mobile and tablet Amazon 2009 Customers ordered more than $1B using mobile Bank of America in 2015 Predicts $67.1B in purchases will be made from mobile devices by European and US shoppers
The Impact of Mobile Commerce
Why the drastic increase? Reasons M-Commerce has grown over the last couple of years? Increase in Smartphones Convenience Affordable Mobile Payments
Disadvantages Ads Think Apps, Not Ads Can be expensive Hard to see details in small screens Slow speed at times Security not always protected
Mobile Trends Personalization High value & appropriate offers are needed to engage customer. Geotargeting Relevant offers based on location are crucial. Social Network Channel Integration Presence on social media is necessary for success.
Mobile Trends Cont. Narrow Casting Content Targeting content & messages to a specific audience. Rich Media Messaging (RMM) Videos & interactive content are offered to customers that are optimized for their specific smartphone. Gamification of Mobile Ads Users are able to score points or compete with friends.
Mobile Payments Apple Pay Softcard Google Wallet Starbucks Mobile Card
Information Privacy Concerns 4 Different Dimensions Data Collection Concerns over excessive data being collected. Unauthorized access Concerns over data being accessed by unauthorized people. Unauthorized secondary use Concerns over personal information accessed for unintended use. Data accuracy Concerns about data being protected against accidental errors.
Outside the U.S. Latin America leads the way India with huge increases China on the rise Europe is on board
Latin America 28.5 Billion by 2015 new users projected in 2016 Brazil and Mexico Leaders Fear of crime has helped
India Mobile Commerce Enhanced 3G penetration has helped 70% of people have smart phones 165 million mobile internet users increase
China & Europe In 2014, 165% mobile purchases vs. 35.7% computer mapped increase 50% Between 24 and 30 Purchases made are 67 seconds faster than PC purchases in Europe(Germany, France, Italy)
Social Media & Mobile Commerce Facebook and Twitter have increased M- Commerce by 46% since 2013 Payments triggered through Facebook logins coming soon May trump PayPal soon
Conclusion Mobile Commerce has changed the way the world works with the advancement in phones, banking, and social media. It’s an aspect of daily life for now and for future years.
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References Cont. Miller, Steven. "Definition of Mobile Commerce." EHow. Demand Media, 12 Mar Web. 15 Apr Mobile Commerce Definition | Investopedia. (2011, May 14). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from commerce.asphttp:// commerce.asp "Mobile Commerce Trends by Country in 2013." MarketingProfs. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr commerce-trends-by-country commerce-trends-by-country "Stripe Exec: Soon, E-commerce Will Move to Facebook, Too - CNET." CNET. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr exec-soon-e-commerce-will-move-to-facebook-too/ exec-soon-e-commerce-will-move-to-facebook-too/ Sunil, G. (n.d.). For Mobile Devices, Think Apps, Not Ads. Retrieved April 5, 2015, from Zhang, Ruidong, Jim Q. Chen, and Ca Jaejung Lee. "MOBILE COMMERCE AND CONSUMER PRIVACY CONCERNS." The Journal of Computer Information Systems 53.4 (2013): ProQuest. Web. 14 Apr