Seward Johnson. Erotica Tropicallis, Cast aluminum.
Seward Johnson. On Poppied Hill, Cast bronze and aluminum
Seward Johnson. Pondering the benefits of exercise, Cast bronze.
Seward Johnson. Were You Invited?, Painted bronze.
Seward Johnson. Copyright Violation!!, Cast bronze.
Seward Johnson. If it were time, Cast bronze and aluminum.
Seward Johnson. Family Secret, Cast bronze.
Seward Johnson. The eye of the Beholder, Cast bronze.
Horace Farlowe. Portal Rest, White marble.
Like on Monet’s picture
Seward Johnson. Part of Nature, Cast aluminum
Seward Johnson. Sailing the Siene, Cast bronze
On restaurant’s patio.
Seward Johnson Déjeuner Déjá Vu, Cast bronze
Seward Johnson. If it were time, Cast bronze and aluminum.
Seward Johnson. A Thought to consider, Cast aluminum.
David Hostetler. Summertime Lady, Cast bronze.
Philip Grausman. Leucantha, Cast aluminum.