1 Internal Environmental Communication EMS National Forum 29 November 2007
2 Overview Opportunity to discuss and learn how others inform staff about their EMS Recognise the different methods of communication How different methods can be used to give a message Examples of Merseytravel’s communication methods How to measure communication effectiveness
3 Merseytravel Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive and Authority A public-sector body Responsible for co-ordinating public transport in Merseyside One of 7 such bodies in the UK Transport planning New public transport infrastructure Bus/rail stations Bus stops/shelters Local rail services, ferries and road tunnels Supporting non-commercial bus services
4 Environmental Background First Environmental Strategy in 1995 Environmental Sustainability Strategy Published 3 rd strategy in March 2006 – 5 year life Monitor against policy commitments Commitment to publishing an annual Environmental Sustainability Report to report progress
5 Environmental Management System Communication Important to gain staff involvement Decided to communicate externally External and Internal Marketing Strategy Overview of Merseytravel’s EMS: ISO Whole organisation certified in 2003 Three tiers – core EMS, implementing the strategy and wider issues
6 Workshop In your groups: 1.List what you might want to communicate internally. 2.List as many different methods of communication as possible. 3.Using your answers from 1 and 2, decide which methods are best suited to what you might want to communicate. Feedback to all.
7 What and how the Environment Team Communicates How Verbal: Meetings eg EMS Group, section specific, audit closing meetings Presentations eg training, briefings, workshops, toolbox talks Auditing (on-site presence) Written: Electronic eg newsletters, s, intranet, internet Paper eg newsletters, reports, memos, handouts, posters, wageslip messages, action plans Other: Events Awards eg Merseylearn, Environmental Star Competitions and challenges What What is an EMS? Environmental Policy Procedures Non-conformance reports Audit programme Legislation EMS Review Frequently Asked Questions Objectives, initiatives and targets The blue text shows the variety of ways non- conformance reports have been promoted.
8 Continued What External programmes External awareness days eg World Environment Day General awareness raising Staff involvement Internal improvements Best practice Activities with the community How Verbal: Meetings eg EMS Group, section specific, audit closing meetings Presentations eg training, briefings, workshops, toolbox talks Auditing (on-site presence) Written: Electronic eg newsletters, s, intranet, internet Paper eg newsletters, reports, memos, handouts, posters, wageslip messages, action plans Other: Events Awards eg Merseylearn, Environmental Star Competitions and challenges We customise the method of communication is used to suit the audience.
9 Workshop 4.Discuss the best and worst communication you have used (what works and what does not). 5.Each group to choose 2 examples (1 best and 1 worst). Feedback to all.
10 Examples GreenBriefs e-newsletter Environment In Your Pocket Environmental Awareness Briefings (workshops) Competitions Staff feedback
11 Workshop 6.What would you like to communicate and what barriers are you facing? Feedback to all. 7.How can you overcome the barriers?
12 Evaluating Communication Why evaluate? Is it working? Learn from your mistakes. BS ISO 14063:2006 Environmental Management – Environmental Communication – Guidelines and examples Examples given by the standard: Number or rate of complaints about certain environmental aspects, activities or issues Number of award applications Number of awards received Rate of response to an environmental survey/questionnaire How do you evaluate?
13 Evaluating Communication How Merseytravel evaluates Questionnaire results (every 2 years) Question examples: 1.When purchasing a product (eg a computer), which of the following should you consider? A.Disposal route and costB. Energy and water use during operation C.Purchasing costD. A, B and C 2.Which of the following should be used to clear oil and fuel spills? A.WaterB. Nothing C.DetergentD. Absorbent material Internal and external audit results How many people enter a competition
14 Evaluating Communication World Environment Day 2006 World Environment Day – Attendee feedback 2006 & 2007 – Stand holder feedback forms 2008 – Single theme, bigger and better
15 Following Evaluation Are we meeting our objectives? If the answer is no, change the method of communication. If it’s still not working, is the promotion wrong, or is the product wrong?
16 Future Initiatives Questionnaire Focus groups Pledge bank – maybe??? Staff challenges “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’re obviously never been in bed with a mosquito”. Michelle Walker Future key messages
17 Thank you! LINKS/POWER/EMSConf-Comms2007/GW/LS