CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Paul Thomson, Director, Corporate Communications A presentation to the new Moncton City Council.
To make our city, organization, and all our bosses, look as good as we possibly can To increase awareness of City programs, services, attributes and differentiators in order to further the City’s goals and objectives We do this by delivering, integrated, targeted communications to key stakeholders Corporate Communications: Our goal
Corporate Communications Identify major communications issues/opportunities to be tackled in order for the City to realize its goals as stated in its mission, vision and strategic priorities (i.e. take every opportunity to reinforce our key priorities)
Media Relations Issues Management Internal (Employee) Communications Crisis Communications (planning) Translation Collateral Development (brochures, ads, signs, Resurgo etc.,) Manage the corporate brand Communications Plans (for specific initiatives) Strategic Advisors Presentations Handle complaints, communicate with our stakeholders Event coordination and management Corporate Communications: What do we do?
Key message development and communication Remarks (let’s talk about this) Translation Strategic Advisors Corporate Communications: What do we do for you?
prioritization code Media portal portal Council-only web page Corporate Communications: What do we have for you?
Corporate Communications communicates council directives and decisions Proactive—we try to identify issues before they become ISSUES Reactive—is the reality. Process/toolkit in place. Sometimes it’s messy. That’s democracy. Two-way communication: listen as well as disseminate messages Corporate Communications: Issues Management
Two-way communication: listen as well as disseminate messages Identify ways to listen to key audiences as well as developing messages for them (consultative process) Identify ways to establish, maintain, and develop good relationships with those publics Find the WIIFM – benefit based communication Develop an effective public consultation process-- enhance number of meaningful opportunities available for public input, participation and influence in decision- making process on major directions taken by the City Corporate Communications: Two-way communication
Always start from the inside out Goal: To ensure that employees never find out major organizational news from media Improve employee engagement and alignment Drive clear and consistent messaging through all communications Communicate mission, vision and values Strengthen and reinforce brand Organizations deliver their brand through their people Corporate Communications: Employee Communications
Media Relations: Key Messages What makes news? Change Controversy Human interest
Key Messages Wall Street Journal
Key Messages Globe and Mail
Key Messages MONCTON’S WATER IS CONSISTENTLY ABOVE Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality Telegraph-Journal
Key Messages Times and Transcript
Key Messages Only 3-4 key messages Use anecdotes, paint a picture, tell a story The more you say the less people remember Repeat them—often Bridge
Key Messages Identify key audiences (really drill down) This can drive your strategy and tactics What do you want to see re: coverage The better your understanding of what matters most, the less you have to worry about the details Henry Kissinger/Bill Clinton: who has questions FOR MY ANSWERS Substance first then sizzle
Key Messages Understanding the media Crazy pressure-driven environment filled with distractions and deadlines Make an effort to understand them and everything it takes to get a story out Deadlines for electronic and print Media relations is an art not a science Lots of junior people here
Thank you