As a Transfer Student
Overview Welcome to Northern Illinois University! This is a general overview of the course requirements within the major of Psychology Please refer to the “Informational Overview” An Undergraduate Major in Psychology” booklet (red).
Academic Advising Appointments It is recommended that you make an appointment with academic advisors within the next couple of weeks and throughout the school year Academic advising is available by appointment During the school year: with any major faculty During the summer: Assigned academic advisor Make appointments by going to Rm 400 in the Department of Psychology and sign-up on the bulletin boards located across the main office Academic Advising is also available via address on Psychology Department Home Page:
Bachelor Degree Required Credit Hours
Degrees in Psychology B.A. 4 semesters of FOREIGN LANGUAGE B.S. Choice of 3 credit groups – MATH, CSCI, CHEM, BIO & PHYS combinations B.A. and B.S. 40 upper division credit hours 50 hours max in Major count towards 120 credits
B.A. in Psychology Languages that require 4 semesters Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Russian, or Spanish Languages that require 2 semesters Arabic, Burmese, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Tagalog, Thai 4 years of HS language with a “C” or better meets your requirement Contact Foreign Languages: (815)
B.S. in Psychology 1. Group 1: MATH 210 and 211 STAT301 1 CSCI course: CSCI 210, 230, 240 or 250 OR 2. Group 2: MATH 229 and 230 STAT CSCI course: CSCI 210, 230, 240 OR 250 OR 3. Group 3: MATH 211 STAT lab sequence from the following: BIOS 104 and one of: BIOS 205/BIOS 207 combo, BIOS 213, or BIOS 357 or CHEM 210/lab 212 & CHEM 211/lab 213 or PHYS 210 & 211
Psychology Major STATS 208 or STAT 301 or STAT 350 Must get a C or better PSYC 305 (Research Methods) 7 Psychology Electives (21 hours; not including PSYC 102): 2 can be Lower Level: Upper Level: PSYC 219 does NOT count as a psychology elective Can take all upper level courses 2 Lab Courses
Psychology Transfer Courses Transfer Courses: PSYC courses transfer as lower level classes – 102 plus 2 other PSYC classes can be counted toward major – others come in as graduation credit, but not as PSYC electives myNIU will translate into specific courses (e.g. PSYC102) or as PSYC101TR (transfer elective in psychology)
Psychology Major Laboratory Courses: Requires PSYC305 + appropriate elective course Experimental Psychology: Perception Lab Experimental Psychology: Conditioning and Learning Lab Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory Lab Clinical Psychology Lab Physiological Psychology Lab Social & Personality Lab Industrial-Organizational Lab Developmental Psychology Lab These fill-up quickly, so register for them as soon as you can 4 credit hours E.g., The prerequisites for the Clinical Psychology Lab course (PSYC 413) are PSYC 305 and either PSYC 315, or PSYC 316, or PSYC332
The Sequence: 1. Complete your “Gen Eds” if you don’t have an associates degree 2. Complete STAT 208 with a “C” or better (Or Stat 301) 3. Complete PSYC Complete 2 Laboratory Classes
All the PSYC classes are closed – What do I do?!! Create and register for a full schedule See if you can get on a waiting list for PSYC 305 or lab courses in the main office Contact professors in your preferred PSYC classes or attend first day of class to ask for permission to join class DON’T PANIC – there is next semester
Psychology Programs Special Programs: PSYC 489: Coop/Internship Contact the University Career Services Office to get a list of available options and discuss with advisor PSYC 485: Independent Study Choose a faculty member and contact the faculty member Fill out application if necessary Obtain permission to register for this course Especially useful for those interested in graduate training
Psychology Programs Student Organizations: SPA (Student Psychological Association) Open to everyone PSI CHI At least 8 credit hours of Psychology at NIU GPA of 3.0 overall at NIU GPA of 3.25 in Psychology courses at NIU Honors Program Need to make the decision EARLY so that you have enough time to complete all of the requirements 6 hours in honors psychology courses at upper-division level Senior year complete a research thesis Meet with an advisor to discuss requirements
Additional Useful Information: GPA requirement in PSYC = 2.00 For honors: Overall = 3.00 and PSYC = 3.50 “D” still counts toward graduation – can retake class to replace grade up to 13 months from end of semester PSYC electives = any PSYC course OTHER THAN 102, 219, 305 Can NOT double dip Any course taken for general education requirements can not be counted toward psych electives E.g., PSYC 224 for social sciences gen. ed.
Minor Requirements: 1. Minor Declaration 2. PSYC credit hours of elective – 12 hours must be level (6 PSYC elective courses – 4 must be upper level)