RP 3 Webinar Series: Safety Overview of the RP 3 Safety Checklist Friday, April 25, :00pm – 2:00 pm
Staff & Presenter for this Call Jon Beasley Superintendent, Training & Safety, Electric Cities of Georgia
What is RP 3 ? Reliable Public Power Provider (RP 3 ) program –Peer-evaluation of your utility’s reliability, safety, work force development, and system improvement Two main goals: 1.Help public power perform a utility operational self-check by benchmarking on a national level 2.National recognition of the excellent service you provide to – customers, your community leaders, state and federal regulatory agencies, and members of Congress
Review Panel 2 – Large utilities 2 – Medium utilities 2 – Small utilities 1 – JAA/SA 1 – Reliability Representative 1 – Safety Representative 1 – System Improvement Representative 2 – Human Resources Representatives 2 – T&D Officers 2 – Safety Officers 2 – System Planning Officers Total = 18 member Review Panel of your peers
Safety – 25%
Checklist Walkthrough
2. Are all utility employees directed by utility management to use, read, and understand the designated safety manual?
Checklist Walkthrough
Question Continued:
Checklist Walkthrough 2. Does your utility have a written policy or practice to enforce its safety rules, including conducting monthly (or more often) job site safety inspections?
Checklist Walkthrough 3. Does your utility require documented job briefings for electric employees?
Checklist Walkthrough 4. Does your utility have a practice or procedure to conduct a safety orientation with all non-utility employees (e.g., contractors, mutual aid situations) working on your system to ensure compliance with your utility’s safety standards?
Checklist Walkthrough 5. Does your utility change its safety practices/rules or takes action to promote safety based on findings from accident investigations or near-miss reports when appropriate? (i.e. to all staff to promote caution from a previous accident, changing a policy to reflect the accident, etc.)
Checklist Walkthrough 6. Does senior management actively participate in the utility’s safety training initiatives for all employees at least once per year?
Checklist Walkthrough 7. Does your utility provide annual refresher training for OSHA-type issues? NOTE: Leading practice is for a utility to provide at least four types of training each year.
Checklist Walkthrough 8. Does your utility provide Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at all work site locations? NOTE: “At all work site locations” means immediately available in any work site environment, from an office setting to a field job site; if employees are working at a site in the field, there must be an AED present.
Checklist Walkthrough 9. Has your utility performed an arc hazard assessment, per National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) requirements?
Checklist Walkthrough
Drill Type Drill Type: Table Top(T), Field(F), or Both(B) Dates of 2012 Drills Performed Dates of 2013 Drills Performed Dates of 2014 Drills Performed Location (page/tab) of descriptive attachment(s) Earthquake Fire Flood Hurricane Snow/Ice Storm Terrorist Attack Tornado Other (Please list.): Question Continued:
Checklist Walkthrough
Review & Application Process Applications due: September 30, 2014 Preliminary check by APPA Staff: October 2014 Review Panel Taskforce: mid October 2014 Request for clarification/information is sent to applicants: November 2014 Final Review: December 2014 Applicants receive notification of their application’s outcome: January/February 2015 Official award/announcement: APPA’s Engineering and Operations Conference in Sacramento, May 17-20, 2015
Where to start: 1.Download the Application Packet Visit PublicPower.org/RP3 and click on ApplicationPublicPower.org/RP3 2.Read the RP3 Application Guide All forms, checklists, and RP3 questions are explained 3.Assign one point person that will compile the final submission 4.Complete checklists - Small utility may ask for help on specific sections from state association or joint action agency - Large utility may divide the sections among different departments 5. Review final checklists and all forms and Submit
RP 3 References Visit PublicPower.org/RP3PublicPower.org/RP3 Call/ other RP3 designated utilities Preview their application or just ask general questions (full list of designees is on the website) your questions to Call us: 202/ , Engineering Services –Webinars are recorded and can be accessed online
Work Force Development Checklist Friday, May p.m. EST Next RP 3 Webinar