2006 Hotqua - Activities
Hotqua Aktivitäten Implementation & Certification Implementation workshop ISO 9001 Satisfaction degree 88 % Photo: employees from the Tourism Office LTV - Brandenburg and TAB (Tourismusakademie Brandenburg), January 2006
Hotqua Aktivitäten Online further education Online/Quality representative Satisfaction degree 100% Name of the participant: María- Camila Luque from Bogotá, Colombia, January 2006 Online/Quality Manager ISO 9001 Satisfaction degree: 91% Photo: Silvio Ulrich, Hapag - Lloyd Expedition Cruises, January 2006 Photo: Silvio Ulrich, Hapag - Lloyd Expedition Cruises, January 2006
Hotqua Aktivitäten Quality Management Health Quality Manager Workshop ISO 9001, Satisfaction degree: 86% Auditor workshop ISO 9001, Satisfaction degree: 88% Photo: Takeda - group in the Hotel Herzogspark in Herzogenaurach, Germany, January + February 2006
Hotqua Aktivitäten Certification Audit DIN-EN-ISO Photo: CCI –Xanthi, Grice, January Photo: Bohemian Paradise, Turnov Congratulation!
Hotqua Aktivitäten HoGa – Berlin Workshop: Service quality from the viewpoint of the restaurant & hotel guests. ( ) 1. Photo: Restaurant employees 2. Photo: hotel employees
Hotqua Aktivitäten Online – Workshop in Spanish language Hotqua-Workshop: Lead, guide, motivate Photo: Cr. Ricardo Kaufmann, Montevideo, Uruguay
Hotqua Aktivitäten HoGa – Berlin Workshop: Successful communication with the hotel and restaurant guests Satisfaction degree: 98% ( )
Hotqua Aktivitäten Control audit ISO 9001/19011 Congratulation for the employees of the RA- Kanzlei Wutzke & Förster, Oldenburg, Germany Satisfaction degree: 86% (February 2006)
Hotqua Aktivitäten ISO 9001 Certification in Bulgaria ISO 9001 certification of the Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Varna, Bulgaria Congratulation Photo: Varna
Hotqua Aktivitäten Hoga Berlin Sales Workshop in April 2006
Hotqua Aktivitäten In-House-Workshop: Service- Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Hotel Sarisfaction degree: 96% ( ) In-House-Workshop
Hotqua Aktivitäten In-House-Workshop In-House-Workshop: Service quality from the Hotel & restaurant guests point of view: Berlin Hotel Hamburg Satisfaction degree: 90% Photo: employees of the Berlin Hotel Hamburg ( )
Hotqua Aktivitäten HoGa - Berlin Complaint management, satisfaction degree: 90% ( ) Hygiene & Housekeeping, satisfaction degree: 95% Hygiene und 94% housekeeping ( )
Hotqua Aktivitäten In house further education Professional sales in the restaurant Satisfaction degree of the participants: 95% Photo: Employees of the Hotels Sylter Hof Berlin,
Hotqua Aktivitäten HoGa - Berlin Service Quality Hotel / Restaurant, Communication with the guests, Satisfaction degree: 98% und 96% Satisfaction degree: 98% und 96%
Hotqua Aktivitäten Neurolingustical programmation In house workshop NLP Satisfaction degree of the participants: very good ( )
Hotqua Aktivitäten Service Quality Standards Introduction and control of the service quality standards in the Hotel Tourist, Chepelare, Bulgaria June August 2006
Hotqua Aktivitäten HoGa – Berlin (German Hotel & Restaurant Association) Workshops; „Professional sales front office" and „Professional sales restaurant„ in Berlin, Satisfaction degree of the participants: 92% u. 87%
Hotqua Aktivitäten Quality Management for Health Introduction of a Quality Management System Arztpraxis Dr. Th. Franke Bautzen,
Hotqua Aktivitäten Workshops & Service Quality Tourism Workshop in Bucharest, Romania Photo: Workshop participants, Service Quality Barometer & Service Quality Standards Black Sea Business Centre President,
Hotqua Aktivitäten Marketing Workshop Marketing Workshop in the German Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Photo: Puerto Alegre, Brazil,
Hotqua Aktivitäten Complaint Management Workshop: Complaint Management Satisfaction degree: 84% and 82% Restaurant and hotel empmployees during the workshop in Berlin ( )
Hotqua Aktivitäten Quality Management Quality management and preparation for the internal audit in the RA-Kanzlei W & F, in Frankfurt / Oder Satisfaction degree of the participants was 99%, masured on
Hotqua Aktivitäten Sales workshops Sales workshops in Prenzlau/TMU( ) and Berlin/BA-Reinickendorf ( ) The satisfaction degree was in Prenzlau 91% and in Reinickendorf 76%.
Hotqua Aktivitäten IDEQUA – Workshops Quality Manager & Auditor ISO 9001 Satisfaction degree: 96% ( ) The participants comes from Hungaria, Romania and Germany
Hotqua Aktivitäten Quality Management GTZ Workshop: Quality Management ISO 9001 Satisfaction degree: 95% ( ) Photo: Workshop participants in Sucevita, Bucovina, Romania
Hotqua Aktivitäten Further Education Training for the employees from the hotel "Dietrich- Bonhoeffer-Haus" Berlin Mitte & "Evangelische Bildungsstätte auf Schwanenwerder", Wannsee, Berlin (Photo )
Hotqua Aktivitäten ISO 9001:200 Implementation Implementation of a QMS according to the 10- step model of Hotqua in the Tourism Association of Bucovina Internal Audit,