Giving Voice to Southern Colorado
ACTION 22 AREA 35% of State’s land; 20% of population Geographic Regions: San Luis Valley: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache Upper Arkansas Valley: Chaffee, Fremont, Custer and Pueblo North Front Range: El Paso, Park & Teller South Front Range: Crowley, Huerfano, Las Animas, Otero Lower Arkansas Valley: Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Prowers
MISSION Giving Voice to Southern Colorado. Action 22 is the only regional advocacy organization in Southern Colorado working on common issues affecting 22 citizens in the 22 county geographic area.
HISTORY Too often, southern Colorado was forgotten. Businesses, cities, organizations, counties, and individuals in coalition. Patterned after Club 20 in Western Slope Charter Convention held January 1999 Full-time office June 2000
ORGANIZATION Non-partisan organization Open to individuals, cities, counties, businesses and organizations. Tax-deductible membership investment (dues) Revenue only dues & meetings. Not beholden to outside interests.
ORGANIZATION ACTION 22 MEMBERS COUNTY CAUCUSES POLICY COMMITTEES PROPOSED POLICIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT/CEO ADOPTED POLICIES ACTION 22 members are in the driver’s seat of the organization and are responsible for two direct leadership functions: participating in the issue committees of their choice, and electing their county representative to the Board of Directors. Through the committees, the members recommend proposed policies defining how ACTION 22 addresses issues. The Board of Directors has two primary leadership functions: adopting the policies that provide the sideboards within which ACTION 22 lobbies and electing the organization’s officers The President/CEO is responsible for the day- to-day management of the organization in accordance with ACTION 22 policies and oversight by the Executive Committee. Through their biennial County Caucus, the members elect up to 3 delegates to represent their county on ACTION 22 Board of Directors The Executive Committee is comprised of 5 officers, 4 Chairman’s appointees; and 5 Regional vice Chairs. The Committee is responsible for hiring Action 22’s President and monitoring the affairs of the organization between Board meetings.
MEMBERSHIP Invest in the Future of Southern Colorado. Provide input into public policy development. Tax-deductible as a business expense, not a charitable contribution.
COUNTY CAUCUS Meetings called by Board delegates Held to keep members informed on Action 22 issues and obtain input Members keep Board delegates informed on issues and concerns Members in each county elect up to three (3) delegates to Board of Directors to represent county area.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Each 22 county geographic area has an equal voice on the Board 1 vote per county, no matter size 3 delegates, elected by members in each county area, may submit 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 vote Up to 66 members on Board of Directors
BOARD OF DIRECTORS No limit to terms – up to membership in each county Balance between continuity of leadership and new people with fresh ideas Officers: Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past Chair
BOARD OF DIRECTORS In addition, five (5) regional vice chairs elected by region’s counties’ delegates Supermajority vote required to take positions
BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES Represent the MAJORITY opinion of their geographic area, leaving personal opinions out of discussion Should be active in community Attend 2 Board meetings per year Communicate with Board delegates in region to find common issues and concerns
ISSUE PROCESS 1. When an issue emerges that demands ACTION 22’s response…. 2a. If A22 has clear policy* on the issue 3a. Then the President/CEO may immediately respond to the issue on behalf of A22 in a manner that is consistent with the policy 2b. If A22 has broad policy* on the issue 3b. Then the President/CEO will forward the policy and information on the issue to the appropriate committee for input and a recommendation. 4b. The President/CEO will then forward the recommendation to the Board of Directors with her own recommendation and request direction. 5b. Upon receiving direction, the President/CEO will respond to the issue on behalf of A22 in a manner that is consistent with the Board’s direction 2c. If A22 has NO policy* on the issue 3c. Action 22 CANNOT take a position on the issue. 4c. The President/CEO may send the issue to the appropriate committee to consider. The committee discusses the issue and determines whether or not to submit a policy recommendation to the Board of Directors. 5c. The Action 22 Board of Directors will then review the policy recommendation and must act on all such matters before they become official Action 22 policy. * NOTE It is important to note that the basis for all Action 22 actions are issue policies recommended by policy committees and adopted by the Board of Directors. These provide the sideboards within which ACTION 22 may lobby. The Board of Directors adopts and amends policy.
COMMITTEES Backbone of Action 22 Research and study of issues done at committees (meetings, conference calls, ) Recommend positions to Board of Directors Members encouraged to become involved on committees
COMMITTEES Agriculture, Public Lands & Natural Resources Business Affairs Education & Workforce Energy Fiscal Policy Health Issues Tourism Transportation Water
AD HOC AND TASK FORCES Appointed by the Board as needed
COMMITTEE PROCESS A2 Two weeks prior to meeting: Member or organization provides Action 22 an electronic fact sheet/background on the issue including pros and cons, if possible. In addition, recommended position. Draft resolution welcome but not required. A3 At meeting: Member or organization provides short presentation on the issue and formally requests support or opposition to the issue. B4 At meeting: Study group provides short presentation on the issue and formally requests support or opposition to the issue. B3 Two weeks prior to next committee meeting: Study group provides Action 22 an electronic fact sheet/background on the issue including pros and cons, if possible. In addition, recommended position. Draft resolution welcome but not required. B2 Then the Chairman of the Committee appoints a study group to research the issue. If approved: Resolution is drafted (revised as needed based on committee input) and forwarded for BOARD ACTION BOARD ACTION: Approve, send back for more information or not approve recommendation. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Chair asks study group to obtain information requested, committee revises and returns recommendation to the board. NOT APPROVED: Chair and Committee discusses whether or not to continue to pursue issue. Once decided, Chair may go through B2-B4 steps with direction from Committee. 1. Issues may be brought up by members and/or organizations …
ROLE OF COMMITTEES Anticipate issues affecting the Action 22 area and formulate recommended positions/policies to the Action 22 board of directors. Communicate positions/policies including influencing decision/policy makers. Become knowledgeable on issues of concern including the ability of testifying before Colorado General Assembly Committees on adopted positions/policies. Annually review positions and update, replace or eliminate as needed.
ROLE OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Attend committee meetings and participate in discussions. Keep informed on activities in your industry, town, city, community and county. Build relationships with local officials, legislators and those on State boards and commissions.
ROLE OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Provide information at committee meetings on current issues, potential issues anticipating what may be occurring in the future. Be an Ambassador for Action 22 Attend caucus meetings Communicate with Board delegates – they are YOUR representatives
BENEFITS Access to Action 22’s In-House Lobbyist Committee Summits 2 times a year in person. Conference Call Committee Meetings in-between Summits Special Meetings Regional, Caucus and as scheduled Annual Conference 4 th Weekend in September
BENEFITS Legislative Day at the Capitol (January-February timeframe) Legislative Updates and Alerts during legislative session Monday Morning Updates Website: Tourism Website:
BENEFITS Networking With Federal and State elected officials & Department heads Businesses, individuals, organizations, city and county officials in 22 counties Opportunity to build coalitions ACROSS county lines and statewide Discuss best practices with others in your industry Providing your ideas and suggestions toward building public policy for the future of Southern Colorado.
SAMPLING OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Support changing Sand Dunes National Monument and Preserve to National Park Involved in leadership role to create Water, Transportation Principles, Health Principles and Telecommunications Principles.
SAMPLING OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Major steps completed toward Hwy. 50 Expansion Growth in membership Statewide collaboration on issues Continued work on “Ports to Plains” Corridor Enhanced influence and statewide presence
SAMPLING OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Built southern Colorado as Tourist Destination site resulting in collaborative work: Partnerships built. 6 counties in San Luis Valley; 6 counties in SE Colorado and soon, 5 counties along I-25 corridor Next step: National advertising on search engines for
SAMPLING OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Enhancing alternative energy possibilities Started regional discussion on economic development issues & opportunities Established Action 22 Foundation to build community capacity