The children of the community need to achieve academic success, gain confidence, increase your self-esteem, avoid peer pressure, stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle.
Do you drag through the day, plodding through your tasks with barely an original thought, forget about a creative brainstorm? What happened to mental alertness -- that zippy, observant, "on top of it" feeling?
Breathing, Digestion, Heart rate Bood pressure. CEREBRUM remembering, problem solving, thinking, feeling. movement. CEREBELLUM coordination balance BRAINSTEM
Experts believe your diet -- what you eat and how much -- plays a big role in your mental alertness. Experts also believe physical exercise -- plays a big role in your mental alertness
Enough intake of essential nutrients to maintain good health.
Nutrients. Carbohydrates - energy giving Protein - body building Fats - energy storing Minerals - protective and regulatory Vitamins - protective and regulatory Water
1. Cereal and Millet: –Rice, wheat, ragi, bajra, – jowar, corn –cereal flakes, puffed cereals, –noodles, macaroni, bread, –pizza bread and cakes. – 2. Pulse, Lentil and Legume: –black, red and green gram, –bengal gram, cowpea, –peas and rajma.
Milk and Milk Products: –cow's milk, buffalo milk, –goat's milk, –butter, ghee, paneer, –cheese, Nut and Oilseed: –Groundnut, cashew nut, –walnut, pistachio
Fat and Oil: –groundnut oil, coconut oil, –sesame oil, –sunflower/ safflower oil, –butter and ghee. Herbs, Condiments and Spices: –fenugreek, turmeric, –tamarind, –cloves, cardamom, – cinnamon and pepper.
Vegetables: –Green leafy vegetables – –Roots – –Tubers – –Other vegetables -
7. Fruits: 8. Meat, Poultry and Seafood:
Spinach Tomato Carrot Blue berries Black beans Yoghurt Walnut Oats
Improve Energy and Reduce Stress with Nutrition KEEP YOUR BRAIN ALERT
To increase your mental alertness, eating enough is important. Too much makes you sluggish; all the blood rushes to your digestive tract." Protein is key, as it provides sustained fuel to the brain. Carbohydrates can center you and help you resist distractions.
"If you eat a lot of fat and try to think, you can't," Studies show that eating fat can cause fatigue. To function well, your brain needs a good supply of essential fatty acids. Researchers think that these fats –help supply oxygen to the brain, –work to protect the membranes of brain cells, – prevent damage that causes dementia and other illnesses
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS POLYUNSATURATED- LINOLENIC ACID OMEGA 3 LINOLEIC ACID OMEGA 6 MONOUNSATURATED OLEIC ACID – OMEGA 9 Flaxseed oil, sesame seeds,, canola oil, soyabean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, dark leafy vegetables, chicken, salmon, mackerel, sardines Olive oil, Nuts- cashew, macadamia hydrogenated fats (like margarine), cholesterol-based fats (butter/dairy products), poly-saturated fats (common cooking oils)
Researchers discovered that exercise –improves how fast you can think, –improves manual dexterity and –improves how well you can concentrate on visual and auditory tasks.
LOSE WEIGHT INCREASE IN LEAN BODY TISSUE DECREASE IN BODY FAT PERCENTAGE decreases anxiety, tension and depression.. increase blood flow and assists the body in eliminating toxins
–Muscular strength and endurance, –Functional capacity and ability (such as falling or climbing stairs) –Blood pressure, –Metabolic rate, Body Fat and –Psychological well being. –Osteoporosis, low back pain, Insulin resistance and Glucose Metabolism
Physical exercise is great brain exercise too. By moving your body, your brain has to learn new muscle skills, estimate distance and practice balance. Just as physical exercise maintains body tone, strength and endurance, mental exercise has positive conditioning effects on your brain at all ages
Logic, word skills, math and also fun. Play these games a little bit every day – Spend 15 minutes or so, not hours. Spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.
Prepare for the challenges of the fast paced 21st Century? Learn how to have a positive attitude, Learn how to be self-motivated, Learn to set and attain goals Learn how to concentrate and focus.
Proper Nutrition Is Important to the Health and Well Being of Students
Designed to help maintain nutritional health of students !
A generally healthy diet, the same diet necessary for a healthy body – one high in fruits and vegetables, with a wide variety of whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes and occasional oily fish, lean meat and dairy products – is the same diet necessary for a healthy mind.