Grammar Quiz Review Quiz on MARCH 6th Syllables – Break the following words into their syllables. 1.Profit Pro Fit 2.LimitLim it 3.MarketMar ket 4.AppearAp pear 5.DeliverDel iver Accents – Underline which syllable has the accent.
The doubling rule Part 2 1.Profit + able = profitable 2.Limit + ed = limited 3.Market + able = marketable 4.Appear + ing = appearing 5.Deliver + ed = delivered
What is the ROOT word? You must be able to separate words into ROOT, PREFIX and SUFFIX Prefix RootSuffix 1.Unimaginableunimagineable 2.Reinventreinvent 3.Undeliveredundelivered 4.Preoccupiedpreoccupyed 5.Insincerelyinsincerely