1 Status at P5 Ignacio Redondo & Gianni Masetti CIEMAT INFN Bolonia Cosmic event during MWGR10.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Status at P5 Ignacio Redondo & Gianni Masetti CIEMAT INFN Bolonia Cosmic event during MWGR10

2 Gas System Tests December&January 2/10/2015I. Redondo Alberto&Daniel

3 What have we leaned?  Will probably exchange humidity meter by new type  Now we want stable gas system 2/10/2015I. Redondo Alberto

Preparation for 2015 Board Replaced board YB-2YB-1YB0YB+1YB+2 TRB phi TRB theta Link CCB 2111 SB 11 ROBUS 1112 ROLINK 112 TRB flat 111 FEB problems ROB 11 Splitter Board 1 Recovered channels 0.4%0.5%0.3%0.8%0.9% Minicrates intervention ~5000 DT channel recovered during LS1 Minicrate Maintenance 2 CCB replaced in January. TC moved YB+2 to allow the intervention in YB+1 S11 MB3. LS1 : 40 % of the MCs were repaired

5 LS1: last minute surprises 2/10/2015I. Redondo

6 2/10/2015I. Redondo Some pictures of the intervention (courtesy of Mimmo)

7 2/10/2015I. Redondo Some pictures of the intervention (courtesy of Mimmo)

8 2/10/2015I. Redondo

9 A history of 3 chambers 2/10/2015I. Redondo YB2 S12 MB4 MiniCrate ⁻  Splitter box exchange solved the issue.  took a long time to diagnose ⁻ YB-2 S3 MB3 MiniCrate  first theta TRB exchanged YB2 S3 MB2  CCB unresponsive after a few seconds, voltages readback ok during the first seconds. ⁻ Franco+Daniele exchanged CCB+SB Wendesday night YB1 S11 MB3, did not communicate at all ⁻ early access got on Thursday, used Friday and Saturday to exchange CCB+SB The 3 failures were identified just after powering up the system from a power cut

10 MiniCrates: “New?” failures Post Mortem 2/10/2015I. Redondo Faulty boards went to Padova after gamma spectroscopy, being investigated by Lorenzo Castellani 1.Splitter box? Franco: Faulty Opamp ⁻ MAX4167 (splitter IC2) abnormal 10uA current from pin2 to gnd 2.PRELIMINARY “yb+1 S11 MB3 the problem is on CPLD (Altera MAX7000), it contains a CK mux for CPU” ⁻ It was not possible to reprogram 3.DEFINITIVE diagnosis for SB/CCB yb+2 S3 MB2: ⁻ 30 broken welds (with little tin) on J44, probably due to mechanical stress during installation or thermal expansion (but this is unlikely since there is no power in the connector).  Eitherway, we should use power_slow pythons as long as it is possible Are these “new” failures? Fabio had a critical view at the failures talking to other experts and looking at past experience. Results: ⁻ No other J44 break ⁻ 1 only CPLD broken time ago ⁻ No splitter-OPAMP IC broken before. “In brief, I think that both 3 failures are further signals of aging but [being different failures and not an epidemy] still we have no elements to really worry about. Anyway we have to maintain a high level of attention. We know that the system will behave worst with time.”

Trigger Problems 12 S1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12 YB-2 MB3 NO DATA (TSC) allmb3TSCMB1 YB-1 TSC MB2 MB4 (TSC) TSC NO DATA all mb3 swap? TSC MB3 YB0 MB2MB3 NO DATA littlemb3MB4 MB2 (MINI CRAT E) YB1 NO DATA OPTOMB4 OPTO ? YB2 MB1 (TSC) MB3 NO DATA (TSC) TSCmb4MB4 Trigger Problems (MWGR10 data) S4 DLI Board taken to the lab by Janos Gianni

DT Spares! Readout missing tasks: Finalize the commissioning of the RO links 3 (2 ROBUS) irresolvable MC failures already in the list for LS2 Mapping test switching off one by one the RO links DAQ SW changes Stabilize DDU-linco connection Cable slice test(s) DT FM problem at stop fixed lately Trigger missing taks: Finish installation of slice test cables (re-commissioning of links after cabling) Install new MC FW Make sure the TSC debug links don´t give troubles Test for measuring the amplitude of the optical signal of the primaries links Check DT trigger efficiency Verify ETTF Fine tuning of trigger links Slow Control/infrastructure missing tasks: Sandro re-enabled the RunInProgress in the xdcs Finalize PC puppet configuration Stabilize xdcs CuOF Slow Control consolidation TCDS configuration file generator  Validate new HV working point during craft and first collisions 13 Preparation for 2015

14 Action Matrix Review 2/10/2015I. Redondo Dear All, The end of LS1 is in sight and CMS has to be ready for beam operation soon. An important condition is to be certain that faults and failures of detector parts or of the infrastructure at PT5 will be handled. correctly by automatic procedures or human intervention. Therefore we plan a series of reviews of the DCS & DSS action matrices of all subdetectors. There will be a standing review committee invited to all reviews. As we will have 8 reviews, I have chosen a rather large committee in the hope not sitting alone with the subdetector representatives after the first few meetings... The committee consists of: Christoph Schäfer, Niels Dupont, Laetitia Bardo, Alain Meynet, Silverio Dos Santos, Hourari Sabba, Sergei Lusin, Nicola Bacchetta, Austin Ball and W.Z. From the reviewed component we expect at least the field coordinator and the safety representative being present. The components we will review are CSC, RPC, DT, ECAL, HCAL, Tracker, Magnet/Cryo and general infrastructure The dates for the reviews will Wednesday morning 9:30 at PT5 in the upstairs conference room of the new building SL53. All subdetectors will receive separate invitations with a more detailed description of what we expect, starting with the Tracker this coming Wednesday Febr. 4. Best regards Wolfram  Wednesday February 18 th is suggested date

15 Action Matrix Review II 2/10/2015I. Redondo

16 Action Matrix Review II 2/10/2015I. Redondo Adapt to SC relocation Adapt values to UPS  CANALIS Strengthen alarm

17 RP issues Medical exams for users no longer carried by CERN medical service Blue dosimeters ⁻ Beware displayed value at reader may not be the one obtained by the dosimeter service after analysis of the transmitted data ⁻ CMS TC message: active dosimeter should be granted if requested Estimation of long term (  2035) radiactive material with based on current knowledge requested by Stephane Bally 2/10/2015I. Redondo

18 1-Up to LS2 (including) : No activation expected. 1.1 UXC. Chamber and Minicrate maintenance. 1.2 UXC. Possible extension of the MB4 shield (to be decided with LS1 installed prototype) 1.3 UXC. Installation of Minicrate prototypes for the LS3 upgrade. * There could be limited machining involved in the attachment of the new MC mechanics. 1.4 USC. Electronics upgrades 1.3 USC. CAEN Mainframe replacement 2/10/2015I. Redondo * This is the major source of material exposed to radiation (not activated) that we may want extract from UXC. The Minicrate material is basically an Aluminum cage but electronics inside have small quantities from heavier materials. One of the options we are studying to minimize the intervention time for logistic reasons, not for ALARA, leaves the MC in place, only extracting cables from UXC: -FE flat cables ~ 1.5 m x 30 x 250 -Signal cables ~ 50 m x 4 x 250 We are working under the assumption no activation is expected in LS3 between the wheels, at the location of the MiniCrates, but indeed activation maps for LS3 in between the wheels are needed to confirm this assumption. In fact, one possibility under consideration by the upgrade management is staging the replacement to LS4. Activation maps for LS3 and LS4 would be very much welcomed. - The radioactive waste to be disposed  None expected - The storage of radioactive material to be foreseen  None expected - The machining on radioactive material to be performed  None expected At the current stage the DT upgrade plan has scheduled the following activities up to 2035: 2- LS3: Replacement of the MiniCrate system. 2.1 UXC.DTchambers. Replacement of 250 mincrates itself.* 2.2 UXC.Balconies Adapting LV Power Supply system 2.3 UXC.Balconies. Possible replacement HV Power supply system. 2.2 USC. electronics upgrades

19 Status at P5 is good Cosmic Event during MWGR10

20 Status at P5 is good Cosmic Event during MWGR10

21 Status at P5 is good Cosmic Event during MWGR10 I 6 7 8