Make It Legal By: Sebastian Vivo
Background Info: Marijuana, or cannabis, is natural substance that grows in many parts of the world. Since its discovery it has had a lot of uses including woven fabric, incense, rope, and even food because of its extremely high nutritional content, but most importantly as medicine.
Why should we make it legal? Marijuana has so many benefits, the most important being its medicinal uses. Imagine having a miracle remedy that is able to treat hundreds of illnesses at your fingertips, imagine all the lives that can be saved. Since they legalized marijuana in January 2014, the state of Colorado has made $36.5 million in tax revenue, $7 million going to the construction of public schools, and its crime rate going down 15%.
Where is it legal in the U.S. ?
What can it help with ? Acute Gastritis Adenomyosis Alzheimer’s Amyloidosis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Anaphylactic or Reaction Angelman Syndrome Anorexia Arthritis
What can it help with ? Arthropathy (Gout) Asperger Disorder Asthma Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Autism Back Pain Bell's Palsy Bipolar Disorder Bruxism
What can it help with ? Bulemia Cachexia Cancer Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cerebral Aneurysm CFS Chronic Pain Cluster Headaches CMT Disease Colitis
What can it help with ? Colitis/Ulcerative Colitis Colon Diverticulitis Crohn's disease CVS Cystic Fibrosis Cystitis/Urethritis Darier's Disease Depression Diabetes Diarrhea
What can it help with ? Dravet Syndrome Dupuytren's Contracture Dyspepsia Dystonia E. T. Eczema Ehlers Danlos Emphysema Endometriosis Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder
What can it help with ? Felty's syndrome Fibromyalgia Friedreich's Ataxia GastroEsophgeal Reflux Disease Glaucoma Graves' disease Hemophilia A Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Herpes HIV / AIDS
What can it help with ? Hydrocephalus Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Hyperventilation HYPOGLYCEMIA-MMj Treatment Incontinence Inflammatory Bowel Insomnia Interstitial Pneumonia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Limbic Rage Syndrome
What can it help with ? Liver Disease Lupus Lyme Disease Macular Degeneration Marfan Syndrome- mastocytosis MD Medical Marijuana as Pain Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
What can it help with ? Medical Marijuana Treatment for Addiction Melorheostosis Meniere's Disease Menopausal Syndrome Migraines Motion Sickness Movement Disorders MRSA Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Muscle Spasm
What can it help with ? Myofascial Pain Nausea Nephritis Neurodegenerative Disorders Neurofibromatosis Neuropathy Nightmares NPS Osgood-Schlatter
What can it help with ? Osteogenesis imperfecta Palmar Hyperhydrosis Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatitis Panic Attacks Panic Disorder Pectus carinatum (Pigeon breast/chest) Pemphigus
What can it help with ? Peptic Ulcer Peutz-Jehgers Polyarteritis Nodosa Polycythemia vera Porphyria—Alternative Symptom Treatments Post Concussion Syndrome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PPS-Post Polio Syndrome Prostate Cancer Pruritus
What can it help with ? Psoriasis Pylorospasm reflux Radiation Therapy Raynaud's phenomenon Reactive Arthritis RLS-MMj Treats Symptoms SAD Schizophrenia(s) Scleroderma Scoliosis Selectivemutism
What can it help with ? Shingles Sinusitis Sjogren's Syndrome Sleep Apnea Spina Bifida and Medical Marijuana Sturge-Weber Syringomyelia Tenosynovitis Testicular Cancer Testicular Torsion
What can it help with ? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Tic Douloureux Tietze’s Syndrome Tinnitus Tourette Syndrome and Cannabinoids TTM Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Anorexia Use of marijuana stimulates the body's metabolism and causes users to experience an increase in appetite.
Cancer The benefits of medical marijuana for cancer patients are clear when it comes to increased appetite reduction of pain, wasting, vomiting and nausea. Cannabinoids (the chemicals inside cannabis) fight cancer cells, and arrest brain, breast, leukemic, melanoma, pheochromocytoma cancer cells
Migraines Since the 19 th century people have been using marijuana as a remedy for migraines, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) inhibits the release serotonin from the blood, reducing pain.
Jayden David Jayden was born with a rare seizure disorder called Dravet Syndrome, which made him subject to seizures every day. After one does of cannibidoil (cannabis extract) Jayden went a full 4 days without a seizure and now experiences far less daily seizures.
Compared to other drugs
This is where we come in…….
Our mission statement Our goal is to make medical marijuana legal in all 50 states.
Slogan “save lives, make it legal”
Call to action Sign our petition and help out our cause by speaking out about the benefits of medical marijuana. Help us Make It Legal