About “U.S.” U.S. or US stands for “useful solutions”. The president of our of company is Mallory Stokker. Our C.E.O is Anna Kent. We have been making “useful solutions” since That may not be a long time, and it is not very impressive but we still make good solutions. We have invented many things, we will list them now! Talk to Lock (profitable idea) Many unprofitable ideas. That’s it, but we still make good solutions! We’re a new company, OK? Give us a break, please? We did tell the truth!
Who will benefit and how? Who will benefit you might ask, and how will they benefit? Well I, as the C.E.O of the corporation, will tell you. The students of middle and high schools around the nation will benefit from this product. All middle and high school students know how annoying a fiddle faddle locker lock is. So now talking will save time, and lower frustration. So now there will be less anger in the locker area’s, and we would all love that.
What is “Talk to Lock” What is “Talk to Lock”, you may ask? Well, I, as the president of the U.S Corporation, am about to tell you! Talk to Lock is, essentially, an electronic, voice-activated lock for your locker. At the beginning of the school year on orientation day, students will register their lock combination, using their voice, into their Talk to Lock. The computer mechanism inside Talk to Lock saves and recognizes their voice, and only their voice, thereby permanently locking others out. In case of a malfunction, there will be a keyhole for a master key.
The digital recorder will record your voice For deans and principals Pushes the record button For speaking purposes The small computer system will hold all the data and make sure it’s your voice!
Well listen this is how it is, Dell was once a new company, and you trusted them! A mp3 was once new, and you people used it! So why not trust us? You can help US to greatness! One day, when we’re rich and famous, you can say you bought from us from the start, and we might even give you discount prices on our cutting edge products! So why not give us a try? After all, your satisfaction is guaranteed, or your money back!
Thank You!
Typing by: Mallory Stokker and Anna Kent Sounds: Mallory Stokker Slide Transitions: Mallory Stokker Slide Design: Anna Kent Clip Art: Mallory Stokker and Anna Kent