SCHOOL FACTS Enrollment is approximately 1600 students 175 Staff Included within our school is the county’s E.D. Regional Program 52 Busses 6 Administrators 5 Counselors
Student Rewards August- Blue Pride Pencils September- Bike, Raffles October- PBIS Spirit Week- Week of raffles from local businesses ending with a skating party at local roller rink November- Local College Football Game Tickets Silent Auction, Weekly Raffles December- SGA Raffles and Bargain Basement January- Local College Varsity Lacrosse Talk February- Valentine Raffles, former pro basketball player- clinic for 90 students March- Comedy Hour
School Wide Student Raffles Candy Bars Restaurant Gift Certificates Blockbuster Gift Certificates with popcorn buckets Be the first in the lunch line Pizza Lunch ordered from local restaurant Local mall gift certificate Free entrance to school dance
Team Rewards Lunch with teachers Dessert with teachers Team school store Pizza lunches Raffles within the team for gift certificates Prize boxes-raffle Sit in the teacher’s chair-raffle Team-wide auction Candy-raffle
Teacher Rewards Gift Certificates: Office Depot, Nail Salon, Restaurant, Mall School Supplies- Designer Pen Ravens Tickets Floral Arrangement CD’s Holiday Decorations Lotions and Potions Entertainment Books College Women Basketball tickets
Funding Sources PTSO Entertainment Book Fundraiser Parents- Monetary and gift donations by team Business Partnership Letter w/ advertising in school newsletter- Monetary Donations PBIS Letter-Gift Donations Principals Discretionary Budget Reduced Prices at Roller Rink Guidance Department Donation of Bike Parents/Teacher Donations for Flea Market to Business Teacher donation for local college basketball and football game tickets
Communication Tools Letters to local business and community partners Announcements Hand written thank you notes Person to person soliciting Two newspaper interviews