MSCI branded products include the MSCI Global Equity Indices and the MSCI ESG Indices and Research products. Widely used by institutional investors to benchmark fund performance and construct portfolios, the MSCI Global Equity Indices are the most widely adopted benchmarks for cross border equity funds. Barra equity and multi- asset class portfolio analytics products help asset managers and owners measure, manage, and report risk across multiple portfolios. Robust analytics are powered by the range of Barra equity, fixed income, derivative and alternative investment risk and return attribution models. RiskMetrics multi-asset, position-based risk and wealth management products and services enable clients in the global financial markets to measure and quantify portfolio risk across security types, geographies and markets. RiskMetrics is well known for its Value at Risk methodologies, as well as being a leading provider of credit and counterparty risk systems. FEA energy and commodity asset valuation products offer a variety of quantitative analytics tools for valuing and modeling physical assets and derivatives across a number of market segments. They are used by institutional clients including energy firms, money center banks, Fortune 500 companies, trading enterprises, and leading financial firms. ISS governance research, data and outsourced proxy voting and reporting services enable institutional investors and corporations around the world to make more informed investment decisions for the benefit of shareholders. CFRA is a global leader in forensic accounting risk research, legal/regulatory risk assessment, due- diligence, and educational services. CFRA’s team of research analysts provides investors with timely, impactful, and independent analysis.
3 INVESTORS (Pension funds, Asset Managers, Socially Responsible Investors, Hedge funds) INVESTORS (Pension funds, Asset Managers, Socially Responsible Investors, Hedge funds) MSCI ESG Manager Corporate sustainability and annual reports ESG data from peers and competitors News and controversies - sector and company specific (Bloomberg, Reuters) Legal (Lexis Nexis)and government databases (TRI) Rating “AAA”or “C” ESG Indexes Reputational Risk Scores CORPORATE ISSUERS (Board, Legal, Sustainability, IR, Compliance) CORPORATE ISSUERS (Board, Legal, Sustainability, IR, Compliance)
4 ESG Manager, a product of MSCI made available to corporate issuers through ISS Corporate Services (ICS), is a research and analytics platform designed to help investors and companies analyze and manage environmental, social and governance factors. View how your company is rated on environment and sustainability practices Compare your company’s ESG rating to industry sector peers Determine how ESG factors impact reputational risk Learn how your company might be screened in and out of certain indices and funds based on your ESG performance
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