1. On your smartphone or tablet, visit the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Search for: In Case of Crisis Education OR, with the QR code reader on your phone, scan here: 2. Tap “FREE” or “INSTALL” to begin the download; once installed, tap “OPEN”. Downloading the LAUSD Emergency Plan App from In Case of Crisis
3. Tap “Create Account”. 4. @laspd.com or local first responder agency address and create a password meeting these criteria: 8 characters or more, including at least: 1 uppercase letter 1 lowercase letter 1 Number 1 Symbol *The password criteria for this app are quite stringent for security reasons; this app is not available to the public. You cannot use your single sign-on password. Once you create and verify your password for this account, it does NOT need to be entered each time you open the app! This app does not use your LAUSD single sign-on. You are creating an account for In Case of Crisis apps.
5. Open your account on your smartphone/tablet and then open the verification from In Case of Crisis. Tap “click here” in the to confirm your account; you will then see a screen notifying you that your address has been verified. 6. Close your and open the app by tapping the In Case of Crisis icon on your device. Log in; you may need to select “Manage Account” within the Settings cog on some devices to log in. This is the only time you need to enter your password, unless you intentionally log out or delete the app. Settings Cog
7. Once you are logged in and a box appears with your address, go back to the main screen of the app by tapping your back button. 8. A box will pop up, asking you to confirm downloading a plan. Click “Yes,” and once the plan loads, tap LAUSD Employee Emergency Plan. The plan will download best using the fastest available connection – this may mean turning off LAUSD WiFi.
9. Open your plan and explore the content and features! *If you ever forget your password, please click the “Forgot my Password” link on the Account Login Screen and enter your address to receive a password reset . If you encounter a glitch in this app, or would like to offer feedback, use the “Feedback” form in the app settings cog or