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Presentation transcript: M ARYLAND ’ S H ISPANIC P OPULATION AND THOSE E LIGIBLE TO V OTE G ROWTH IN M ARYLAND ’ S H ISPANIC P OPULATION Hispanics had both the largest numeric gain and the largest percentage increase in population in Maryland over the 2000 to 2012 period. During this 12-year period, the Hispanic population grew by just over 284,000, or almost 125 percent. M ARYLAND ’ S P OPULATION C HANGE BY N ON -H ISPANIC R ACE AND H ISPANIC O RIGIN, A PRIL 1, 2000 TO J ULY 1, 2012 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census and 2012 population estimates M ARYLAND ’ S P ERCENT P OPULATION C HANGE BY N ON -H ISPANIC R ACE AND H ISPANIC O RIGIN, A PRIL 1, 2000 TO J ULY 1, 2012 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census and 2012 population estimates G ROWTH IN M ARYLAND ’ S H ISPANIC P OPULATION Put into the context of overall population change for Maryland during this time period, Hispanics made up nearly one-half (48.3%) of the total net change in population (588,047)between 2000 and 2012. H ISPANIC G ROWTH AS A P ERCENT OF TOTAL N ET P OPULATION G AIN IN M ARYLAND, A PRIL 1, 2000 TO J ULY 1, 2012 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census and 2012 population estimates G ROWTH IN M ARYLAND ’ S H ISPANIC P OPULATION But because the growth of Hispanics in Maryland is a recent phenomenon, the Hispanic share of the overall population is only just over 8 percent in 2012, although for two jurisdictions, Montgomery (17.0%) and Prince George’s (15.0%) counties, it’s much higher. H ISPANICS AS A P ERCENT OF THE P OPULATION FOR M ARYLAND ’ S J URISDICTIONS ( ) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation M ARYLAND ’ S V OTING -E LIGIBLE H ISPANIC P OPULATION While Hispanics are a growing share of the State’s population, they are not yet proportionately represented in the voting-eligible population because they tend to 1) have a higher proportion of their population under age 18, and 2) a majority of Hispanics statewide over the age of 18 are not citizens. P ERCENT OF THE P OPULATION L ESS THAN 18 Y EARS OF A GE BY R ACE /H ISPANIC O RIGIN FOR M ARYLAND, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation P ERCENT OF H ISPANICS A GES 18+ WHO ARE C ITIZENS BY M ARYLAND J URISDICTION ( ) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation

M ARYLAND ’ S V OTING E LIGIBLE H ISPANIC P OPULATION Therefore, while Hispanics make up just over 8 percent of Maryland’s overall population, they make up 7 percent of those 18 and over, and just under 4 percent of those who are age 18 and over and who are citizens. For Montgomery County, where Hispanics make up more than one out of six of the total population, those eligible to vote are less than one out of 10. For Prince George’s County, Hispanics are 15 percent of the total population but only a bit more than 5 percent of the voting eligible population. H ISPANICS A GES 18 AND O VER AS A P ERCENT OF THE T OTAL P OPULATION A GES 18 AND O VER ( ) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation H ISPANICS E LIGIBLE TO V OTE AS A P ERCENT OF A LL E LIGIBLE V OTERS BY M ARYLAND J URISDICTION, ( ) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation M ARYLAND ’ S V OTING -E LIGIBLE H ISPANIC P OPULATION In the next couple of decades, however, Hispanics will become a greater force in the electorate, as those under age 18 become 18 and over, and since the vast majority of those now under age 18 are already citizens (89.7%). P ERCENT OF H ISPANICS U NDER A GE 18 WHO ARE C ITIZENS, BY M ARYLAND J URISDICTION, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey special tabulation From the Year American Community Survey ACS) This is a special tabulation providing data on the citizen voting age population and other data from the 2008_ year American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS is the replacement for the decennial census long form. This is the fourth release of this special tabulation of ACS data. The first used the year ACS data, the second used the year ACS data, and the third used the year ACS data. Data from all four releases are available on the Census Bureau’s Redistricting Office web site, C ITIZEN V OTING A GE P OPULATION (CVAP) S PECIAL T ABULATION C ITIZEN V OTING A GE P OPULATION (CVAP) S PECIAL T ABULATION