FIRST QUARTER January – March 2009 Gerhard Pfandl - Principal Contributor John the Baptist was called by Jesus to be the greatest of all the prophets. But “the prophetic gift involved something other than writing the books of the Bible.” This Sabbath School Bible Study Guide not only introduces God’s messengers through out the ages but the also Source of all true prophecy, the ‘Gift-Giver.’
FIRST QUARTER 2009 This Sabbath School lesson help was produced for the glory of God. It is being distributed through the internet media for you to use as you teach our Sabbath School classes. Please do not alter the way it was arranged. Thanks and God bless. Yours–in-Christ, Pastor N. V. Macatiag
January 10, 2009 Memory Text: “Then He said, ‘Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; and I speak to him in a dream’.” (Numbers 12:6, NKJV)
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 In Scripture, individuals whom God endowed with the gift of prophecy were people who walked with God. Not that they were sinless, but they strove to live in harmony with God’s revealed will. They had a personal relationship with God, and in that context the Lord was able to use them in a special way.
Abraham Father of all who believe. Intermediary Prophets Spokesperson Intermediary FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 Abraham can be called a prophet because he acted as an intermediary for Abimelech. The Prophets
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 The Prophet Moses a. Qualifications i. His upbringing in Egypt ii. His strong faith in God. iii. His personal experience with the Almighty b. His work i. He mediates with God for the nation. ii. He counsels the Israelites to be faithful.
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 The other prophets’ work: 1. Guardian of God’s people 2. Minister to God’s people 3. Conduit of God’s messages
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 Parallel work of the prophetesses 1.Leader of the women. (Exo. 15:20) 2.Mediates for and between people. (Judges 4:4-10) 3.Speaks God’s messages (2 Kings 22:11-20)
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, The Apostles of Jesus Its concept: a. Acts as Christ’s ambassadors, envoy or delegate. Why are they unique? a. They have special authority b. They were witness to His death and resurrection. c. Some are prophets The New Era of God’s Servants
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 The New Era of God’s Servants 2. The NT prophets Their characteristics a. They were filled with Spirit b. They act as personal witnesses c. They predict d. They serve as prophet/teachers. e. They receive God’s messages
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 What makes him different and called the best? 1. It was his privilege to say, “Behold ! The Lamb of God.” 2. John saw the Messiah on the flesh. 3. He was at the door of the kingdom of grace. John the Baptist
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 Human flaws and weaknesses Characterize God’s messengers. But God did not limit Himself from endowing the gift of prophecy to his prophets. Instead, He looked at their faith and willingness that he may use them in giving his messages. We as God’s agents today can be like them to bare messages to other people who need it.
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 Let us think about this: 1.How does your church make a positive difference in people’s lives? How could it do better? 2. In what ways can we as a church act as a role of a prophets? In what ways are we called to do just that? How can we better fulfill that role?
FIRST QUARTER: January 10, 2009 God bless and a Happy Sabbath!