CSE646 Mary Nitya Tharakan Person #
Unlike traditional sensors like UV and infrared sensors, ZigBee sensors are in use. RTLS supports features such as exit alerts, patient tracking, patient safety and asset tracking which are important in hospitals. It has been introduced by a San Diego based company by the name Awarepoint.
RTLS systems uses Zig Bee which offers the following features such as – Extra Encryption Services (application and network keys implement extra 128b AES encryption). Association and authentication (only valid nodes can join the network). Routing protocol: AODV, a reactive ad hoc network has been implemented to perform the data routing and forwarding process to any node in the network.
Three types of nodes exist in a ZigBee Network Coordinator: - the "master" device, it governs the network. Routers: -routes the information which sent by the end devices. End device (the motes - the sensor nodes) :- the ones which take the information from the environment. ZigBee creates star topology.
is primarily used to achieve point to point and energy efficient communications. ZigBee defines extra services (start topology routing, encryption, application services) over ZigBee creates semi-centralized networks where just the end devices can sleep.
Unlike infrared sensors it offers persistent room level location tracking. Avoids interference with medical equipment. Maintains separation from Wi-Fi network.
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