VOCABULARY ARABIC = árabe ARABIC = árabe CALIPHATE = califato CALIPHATE = califato CLERGY = clero CLERGY = clero EMIRATE = emirato EMIRATE = emirato FEUDAL SYSTEM = feudalismo FEUDAL SYSTEM = feudalismo GOTHIC = gótico (estilo arquitectónico) GOTHIC = gótico (estilo arquitectónico) ROMANESQUE = románico (estilo arquitectónico) ROMANESQUE = románico (estilo arquitectónico) HORSESHOE ARCH = arco de herradura HORSESHOE ARCH = arco de herradura
VOCABULARY ISLAM = islam ISLAM = islam KINGDOM = reino KINGDOM = reino LATIN = latín (lengua) LATIN = latín (lengua) MIDDLE AGES = Edad Media MIDDLE AGES = Edad Media MONASTERY = monasterio MONASTERY = monasterio MUSLIMS = musulmanes MUSLIMS = musulmanes NOBLEMAN = noble NOBLEMAN = noble PEASANT = campesino PEASANT = campesino SERF = siervo SERF = siervo SOUK = zoco SOUK = zoco TAIFA = taifa, reino. TAIFA = taifa, reino.
The Visigoths In 476 AD Germanic invaders deposed the last Roman Emperor = The End of the Roman Empire. In 476 AD Germanic invaders deposed the last Roman Emperor = The End of the Roman Empire.
A New Kingdom The Visigoths (from Germany) entered The Peninsula and founded a new kingdom, the capital was TOLEDO The Visigoths (from Germany) entered The Peninsula and founded a new kingdom, the capital was TOLEDO
Visigoths Their language was LATIN (as in the Roman Empire) Their language was LATIN (as in the Roman Empire) They were expert metalworkers. They were expert metalworkers. They converted the Territory to Christianity. They converted the Territory to Christianity.
711 AD The reign of the Visigoths in Toledo lasted until 711 AD. The reign of the Visigoths in Toledo lasted until 711 AD. The last King, Roderic was defeated by the Muslims (from the North of Africa) The last King, Roderic was defeated by the Muslims (from the North of Africa) In 711 AD the Visigoths Kingdom ended. In 711 AD the Visigoths Kingdom ended.
The Muslim Conquest In the 7th Century, a new religion = ISLAM expanded through the Middle East and North Africa. In the 7th Century, a new religion = ISLAM expanded through the Middle East and North Africa. In 711 AD, Muslims from North Africa entered the Peninsula and defeated The Visigoths. In 711 AD, Muslims from North Africa entered the Peninsula and defeated The Visigoths. The Muslims conquered most of the Peninsula except of some mountain areas in the north. The Muslims conquered most of the Peninsula except of some mountain areas in the north.
Al-Andalus Muslims founded a new kingdom called Al- Andalus, the capital was CÓRDOBA. Muslims founded a new kingdom called Al- Andalus, the capital was CÓRDOBA. The Caliph = the highest political and religious authority. The Caliph = the highest political and religious authority.
Economic activity Muslims introduced new irrigation techniques. Muslims introduced new irrigation techniques. Muslims introduced new crops (cotton, rice) Muslims introduced new crops (cotton, rice) Merchants trade products such as pottery, leather and jewellery. Merchants trade products such as pottery, leather and jewellery.
The Culture Al- Andalus was an important centre of learning. Al- Andalus was an important centre of learning. There were very famous philosophers and mathematicians. There were very famous philosophers and mathematicians. There was amazing architecture examples, as for example: MEZQUITA DE CÓRDOBA, ALHAMBRA DE GRANADA and ALCÁZAR DE SEVILLA. There was amazing architecture examples, as for example: MEZQUITA DE CÓRDOBA, ALHAMBRA DE GRANADA and ALCÁZAR DE SEVILLA.
Mezquita de Córdoba
Alhambra de Granada
Alcázar de Sevilla
Muslims, Christians and Jews. They all lived together in Al-Andalus although they had different religions. They all lived together in Al-Andalus although they had different religions. Christians in the Muslim Kingdom were called MOZÁRABES. Christians in the Muslim Kingdom were called MOZÁRABES.
Rulers in Al-Andalus CALIPH = ruler. CALIPH = ruler. CALIPHATE = the territory. CALIPHATE = the territory. EMIR = important person under the rule of the caliph. EMIR = important person under the rule of the caliph. EMIRATE = territory. EMIRATE = territory.
Cities in Al-Andalus Cities in Al-Andalus were protected by a wall. Cities in Al-Andalus were protected by a wall. Streets were narrow and winding. Streets were narrow and winding. The main part of the city was The MEDINA The main part of the city was The MEDINA Muslims built libraries and universities. Muslims built libraries and universities.
Muslim lands/Christian lands
The Christian Kingdom Medieval Society was FEUDAL. Medieval Society was FEUDAL. Each social group had obligations (pay taxes) and rights (protection) Each social group had obligations (pay taxes) and rights (protection) The King was powerful and had great authority. The King was powerful and had great authority. Nobles follow the King and had to help him in wars. Nobles follow the King and had to help him in wars.
3 Social Groups Nobility (nobleza) they owned the land and lived in castles. Nobility (nobleza) they owned the land and lived in castles. Clergy (clero) they belong to the church and built monasteries and churches. Clergy (clero) they belong to the church and built monasteries and churches. Peasants (campesinos) worked in fields of the nobility or clergy. Some owned small pieces of land but they were not free and had to pay taxes. Peasants (campesinos) worked in fields of the nobility or clergy. Some owned small pieces of land but they were not free and had to pay taxes.
Romanesque architecture Romanesque church: Romanesque church: 1. Bell tower. 2. Thick, solid walls. 3. Rounded arches. 4. Small, narrow windows. Romanesque churches are dark inside but decorated with colourful paintings on the walls and ceilings. Romanesque churches are dark inside but decorated with colourful paintings on the walls and ceilings.
San Pere de Rodes
Catedral de Jaca (Huesca)
Colegiata de Santillana de Mar (Cantabria)
Gothic architecture Gothic cathedral: Gothic cathedral: 1. Bell tower 2. High walls 3. Pointed arches 4. Large windows with decorative stained glass 5. Decorative rose window. Gothic cathedrals are bright and colourful inside. Gothic cathedrals are bright and colourful inside.
Catedral de Burgos
Catedral de León (cathedral)
Catedral de Mallorca