Chapters 13 &14 Study Guide Review Nothing But the Truth Chapters 13 &14 Study Guide Review
1. How does Dr. Seymour answer when Jennifer Stewart asks him if the Harrison School District has a rule forbidding students to sing the national anthem? Dr. Seymour states that there is no such rule. When Ms. Stewart alludes to a “claim” he replies, “Hogwash. You should check your sources.” How do YOU think his answer affects Ms. Stewart’s belief about Philip’s suspension? Do YOU think she should have given Dr. Seymour more background on the reason for her call?
2. What does Mrs. Malloy conclude when she learns about the reason for Philip’s homeroom transfer? How does Philip react to the homeroom change? Mrs. Malloy concludes that Miss Narwin was in the wrong: “They must have seen something was wrong there. I don’t want you to have to deal with that woman again.” Philip is at first happy he is out of Miss Narwin’s homeroom, but then realizes he still has her for English which bothers him.
Do YOU think this was a good strategy or a mistake? 3. How does Dr. Palleni react when Jennifer Stewart questions him on the telephone. He doesn’t answer Ms. Stewart’s questions directly. He acts defensively then resorts to the “no comment” strategy. Do YOU think this was a good strategy or a mistake?
Why is Philip’s timing really bad? 4. What evidence in Philip’s diary shows that Philip is having a change of heart? Philip, has finally decided that he is going to ask Miss Narwin for extra help in English because he really wants to work out with the track team. Why is Philip’s timing really bad?
5. How does Dr. Seymour react to the newspaper article about Philip’s suspension? How does Dr. Doane try to reassure him? Dr. Seymour is upset because of the upcoming budget vote. He had no idea of the incident. Dr. Doane told him Philip was NOT suspended for being patriotic, but rather for causing a disturbance. To ease his mind she tells him that “no one reads about the schools,” hoping that Dr. Seymour will believe this is a small incident.
6. What might Ken mean when remarks about the newspaper article, “It ain’t true. But it’s funny,”? He might mean that: This article, the suspension, etc. are not a big deal. He knows that Philip was NOT suspended for being patriotic, probably finding it funny that’s what is being reported. Ken knows Philip, and knowing him, Ken knows Philip’s true motives.