You Need this Instructional Intervention Needs, Costs, Audience Analysis Needs Analysis Lack of Understanding Willingness to Learn Cost Analysis 25 Staff Members 20 Female 5 Male Years Old Primarily Caucasian No special communication barriers Audience Analysis $200 cost per student $25,000 per year lost revenue
What Basics of Bookkeeping Will Accomplish Delivery Method of the Course and the Goals that will be achieved Delivery Method Classroom Computer Lab Goals Terms and Types Assets and Liabilities Income and Expenses Checks and Balances
Terms and Types Identify all types Assets Liabilities Income Expenses Define all terms Debits Credits Owners’ Equity Profit Loss Assets and Liabilities Enter transactions Assets Liabilities 100% Accuracy
Expenses and Income Enter transactions Income Expenses 100% Accuracy Checks and Balances Identify effective checks and balances methods Create a basic checks and balances procedure
Strategy that will benefit you. Orientation Clarify expectations and requirements Introductions, inclusion Timeline Lab Basic Computer skills Introduction to Software
Technologies we will use to learn Computers Software – QuickBooks Computerized Sample Transactions Classroom Overhead projector PowerPoint Presentations
Class Schedule Week OneMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Identify Financial Transacti ons by type. Accounti ng Terminol ogy. ClassroomLabClassroomLabClassroom Total Time8 Hours 6 Hours Classroo m 2 Hours Lab 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3PM 1PM – 2 PM 1PM – 3 PM Week Two Monday Tuesda y Wednesd ay Thursda y Friday Correctly Record Expense and Income Transacti ons ClassroomLabClassroomLabClassroom Total Time 8 hours 6 Hours Classroo m 2 Hours Lab 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3 PM Week Three Monday Tuesda y Wednesda y Thursd ay Friday Correctly Record Asset and Liability Transacti ons ClassroomLabClassroomLabClassroom Total Time 8 Hours 6 hours Classro om 2 Hours Lab 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3 PM Week Four Monday Tuesda y Wednesda y Thursd ay Friday Identify and Create a system of checks and balances. ClassroomLabClassroomLab Testing Classroom Lab Total Time 8 Hours 4 hours Classro om 2 Hours Lab 2 Hours Testing 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 1 PM – 3 PM 1 PM – 2 PM 3 PM – 4 PM
Who is Involved? Classroom Instructor (facilitator) Kristin Fisher Administration Kristin Fisher Instructional Designer Kimberly Wilson (CEO Bizzy Bee Business Services) Nicole Holiday (Manager, Bookkeeping department) Lab Assistants Lisa Hogworth Rhonda Bellinger Mike Monrow Learners ( Bookkeeping staff of Bizzy Bee Business Services) 20 Females 5 Males Ages 18-30
What resources will we need? Power Point Presentations Accounting Terminology Assets and Liabilities Income and Expense Checks and Balances Handouts Accounting Terminology Assets and Liabilities Income and Expenses Checks and Balances Computer Lab 25 Computers QuickBooks Software loaded on all systems Tracking software on each computer to monitor results of entries Classroom Overhead Projector Computer to run PowerPoints 25 student Desks Instructor podium Quizzes and Tests Weekly Quizzes Written and given in classroom on Friday End of Term Quiz Written and given on last day of the course in classroom setting Sample Transactions to be entered during the computer labs Final Test on transactions on the last day of the course in the computer lab setting.
Getting Everyone Involved Orientation Engage Learner Commitment Workplace Support Open Discussions
Assessment Testing Tracking Software Quizzes Discussion Groups
Customizing the Experience Customized Content Customized Time Line Customized Tracking Software Customized Handouts
Gauging Success Reduced Customer Refunds Lower Error Rates Increased Profits Increased Client Retention
In the future More Advanced Classes Classes in Business Communication Bookkeeping Courses Updated to reflect your success level Course offered to new hires in the bookkeeping department
For Your Success Cost Effective Accelerated Courses Satisfaction Guarantee Consolidated Training Records
References Brown, A., & Green, T. (2010). The Essentials of Instructional Design (2nd ed.). Allyn & Bacon. Retrieved 2015 Employees, B. B. (2015, March). Analysis Interviews. (K. Fisher, Interviewer) Hodell, C. (2011). ISD From the Ground Up. Woldkowski, R., & Ginsberg, M. (2010). Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses. Jossey-Bass.