Creation Stories
Learning Objectives To investigate and respond to Creation stories from different cultures. To work in groups to produce a presentation on one of these Creation stories. To self and peer assess presentations to check understanding of Creation stories.
You will be put into one of seven groups. Each group will be given an information sheet on one of these seven Creation stories: 1.The Hindu story of Creation 2.The Teutonic story of Creation 3.The Australian Aborigine story of Creation 4.The Chinese story of Creation 5.The Greek story of Creation 6.The Yanomamo Sanema story of Creation 7.The Mayan story of Creation
The Writing Everyone in your group must read through your information carefully. Make sure you understand it fully. Divide up the information fairly. Using your own words as far as you are able, draft your own version of your section of the story. The Artwork One of you should create some artwork for your presentation – perhaps as some PowerPoint slides. The Role Play Your group needs to produce some drama to illustrate your Creation story. Work out your script and action and rehearse it carefully. Think about what props you will need.
Your group will present your Creation story to the class. This presentation will include your written work, your artwork and your drama. When your presentation is over the class and your teacher will ask you questions about your Creation story. Be prepared: make sure you know all the parts of your story. Your classmates and your teacher will then decide a Level for each person in the group.
Levels Level Two Pupils are only able to re-tell the main parts of their Creation story. They begin to suggest meanings for parts of their Creation story. Level Three Pupils are able to describe the main features of their Creation story. They are able to link some of these main features to the religion’s beliefs and ideas. Level Four Pupils are able to show the key beliefs, ideas and features of their Creation story. They are able to give meanings for different parts of their story. Level Five Pupils show and explain features of their Creation story very confidently and accurately. They give very clear meanings for different parts of their story. They explain how some of these beliefs and ideas are shared by other religious groups. They explain how these beliefs and ideas affect the lives of people. Level Six Pupils make very confident comparisons and connections between the beliefs and ideas in different Creation stories. They use technical terminology very well.