Mayan Creation Stories
The Mayan World
Mayan Sacred Time
Mayan Sacred Tree World tree from the Panel of the Foliated Cross, Palenque. The Mayan world tree grows out of the underworld to center creation
Maya Cosmogenesis In Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 John Major Jenkins argues that the Mayan Long Count End Date of December 21st, 2012 A.D. marks a rare astronomical alignment of our solar system to the Galactic Center, and its powerful energetic emanations. This alignment, determined by precession, happens when the winter solstice sun conjuncts the crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius. This takes place once every 26,000 years, and for the ancient Maya this event and it’s backdrop was entrenched in cosmological and mythical meaning as well, which we’ll explore. Jenkins new book is Maya Cosmogenesis The Maya prophesied this era as one of global transformation and consciousness evolution, as the Maya Great Cycle of Creation, a period of 5,125 years, comes to its conclusion.
Popul Vuh Two texts: y/7286/popolvuhmain.html About Popul Vuh: books/popolvuh.htm
Original in Quiche Maya language Transcribed secretly in Latin alphabet from hieroglyphic books in 16 th century, after the Spanish conquest of Guatemala. Manuscript discovered about 1702 by a priest named Francisco XimÃnez in the Guatemalan town of Chichicastenango Original copy (now lost) copied by Fr. XimÃnez and translated into Spanish Copy forgotten in the University of San Carlos library in Guatemala City Discovered in 1854 by Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg and Carl Scherzer who published French and Spanish translations. Popul Vuh
Creation in Popul Vuh Tepeu (sun, creater, mother) and Gucumatz (fire, maker, father) Then came the word. [Lords] Tepeu and Gucumatz came together in the darkness and talked together. They talked there discussing and deliberating; they agreed; they united their words and thoughts. They created all the creatures.
Creation by Speech They spoke and there was earth they spoke and there was light then they made the small animals then the deer and birds assigning homes and sounds to each But animals can't speak names of gods, so they are doomed to be eaten. So the gods create humans as glory and grandeur of creation with purpose of praising god.
Creation by Trial and Error Animals (speechless) First Humans (strengthless) Second Humans (without souls or minds) Council of deities and divination used to determine method of creation (from figures of wood). These humans crawled on all fours. this form of humans also was unable to praise gods, so they are destroyed by great flood and slaughtered by gods and by the animals which they had eaten, and even by pots and pans. Their descendants are monkeys. Third (present) Humans created of corn flesh They came together in darkness to think and reflect. This is how they came to decide on the right material for the creation of man.... Then our Makers Tepew and Q'uk'umatz began discussing the creation of our first mother and father. Their flesh was made of white and yellow corn. The arms and legs of the four men were made of corn meal.
The Importance of Corn gar/3288/oral.htm