Session 12: Socialization of News and What It Means
Tonight’s Program Reminder about Report: Strengths and Weaknesses of one theory found in e-readings; link theory and practice; 200o wds; due Monday, May 7 by 6 pm Don’t forget to submit to Presentation II Discuss Week 11 readings: Socialization of News and What It Means Questions about final essay
Report due May 7 by Take one theory that we have covered this semester and discuss its strengths and weaknesses Link the theory to current journalism that you read or follow – give examples Use only short quotes Paper must be written essay style, maximum 2000 words Include List of Works Consulted – alphabetical by author’s last name. list of everything you refer to in your paper
Evaluating the Report Rubric for Report20 points maximum Theory is described and analyzed for strengths and weaknesses 4 3 examples of today’s journalism described and evaluated in terms of theory 6 (2 per piece of journalism) 3-5 sources used to analyze theory and/or examples of journalism 4 Essay follows clear logical structure as per template3 Grammar, spelling, proofreading are competent2 List of Works Consulted follows Harvard style1
Template for report Construction of Report2000 words maximum Opening paragraph: introduces theory and briefly indicates direction of the report 150 words Description and analysis of theory for strengths and weakness relating to today’s journalism; includes sources that contribute to analysis of theory Several paragraphs : words total Description and analysis of 3 examples of today’s media – specific stories, not general coverage; includes sources that contribute to analysis of the media examples Several paragraphs: words Concluding analysis of theory as relating to the examples of today’s journalism – not repetition but moving beyond what has already been stated above Several paragraphs: 300 – 500 words Submit to Turnitin receipt along with report as Word attachmentDeadline 6pm Monday, April 23 Class ID: Enrolment password: MMC910
Socialization of News and What It Means Michael Schudson – The Sociology of News Production To understand news production – despite journalists’ objecting to “manufacture” of news Political economy approach: news fits with interests of owners, big business, etc... except when it doesn’t News organizations reflect their own interests as well as overall economic interests – so pol. eco doesn’t work always Social organization approach: “interaction of reporters and officials”; news is organized reality, not real reality Culturalogical approach: using individuals; belief in democracy, capitalism, moderation; story-telling styles
More on Socialization of News Schudson concludes that comparative studies – across nations would be helpful; instead, “media studies are genuinely linked to national political issues” Stephen D. Reese & Jane Ballinger: The Roots of a Sociology of News Two models: Gatekeeper from David Manning White focused on individual editor’s role – related to background, preferences
Socialization of News 2 Reese & Ballinger cont. Social Control from Warren Breed – journalists controlled and molded by editors/publisher’s demands R & B conclude that in 2001 the questions, “How does it work – and in whose interest?” remain as important as they were to Breed and White
Socialization of News 3 Warren Breed – Social Control in the Newsroom: A Functional Analysis, 1955 Publisher sets policy but is moderated by ethical journalistic norms liberal attitudes of journalists ethical taboo - no forcing journalists to follow Journalists are socialized into understanding policy Bosses don’t command – they indicate indirectly Journalists go along to get along
Socialization of News 4 Breed cont. Feelings of team spirit, moral obligation, mobility aspirations, etc. make journalists conform News has to be produced “even though nothing much has happened” “Cultural patterns of the newsroom produce results insufficient for wider democratic needs” “Pressures on the publisher” are the only solution
Critical Realism and News Production Raymond W.K. Lau in 2004 Critical realism assumes reality exists and can be known News doesn’t always represent reality due to “some news values,” “inequitable access,” and “journalistic conceptions of authority and competence” Draws on everyone else’s ideas and argues that critical realism approach can be helpful Wants to stimulate more research
Topics for Final Essay Select one of these and develop the argument using references and some of the theories you’ve studied; use examples from current journalism: Being objective in journalism is impossible Social media has changed everything about journalism The print press can’t survive beyond the 21 st century There is no future for investigative journalism Press freedom is growing/or not growing worldwide Tabloidization is taking over the media
Evaluating the Final Essay Rubric for Final Essay40 points maximum Topic and approach of essay are logically explained in opening section 10 Relevant examples of today’s journalism are used to back up the main argument of the essay 10 – at least 3 examples 5-7 sources are used to back up main argument and discussion of examples of journalism 10 Literature review covers subject3 Grammar, spelling, proofreading are competent3 In-text citations, References (only) follow Harvard style (no footnotes) 4
Template for Final Essay Construction of Report4000 words maximum Opening section: introduces topic/argument and briefly indicates direction of the report Several paragraphs: words Literature review of relevant sourcesSeveral paragraphs: words Description and analysis of at least 3 examples from current journalism to develop the argument Several paragraphs: 500 words per example/1500 words at least Sources used as references discussed – they may be included in section above to analyze examples of journalism Several paragraphs: words What does it all mean – final sectionSeveral paragraphs: words Submit First Draft to Turnitin receipt along with report First Draft as Word attachmentDeadline 6pm Monday, May 7 Draft will be returned by end of week; final version due May 30; June 15 if working with Karen New Turnitin receipt required with Final Version
Schedule for rest of semester Wednesday, May 2 – No class Monday, May 7 – discuss Week 12 readings; Report due by 6 pm; don’t forget Turnitin Wednesday, May 9 – final session MMC 911 Presentations; meet in KV14-G03 Monday, May 15 - first draft of Essay due by 6 pm; work with Karen on it Summer MMC classes start Tuesday, June 12