The Board of Education and personnel of Jersey Community Unit School District No. 100 in partnership with our students, parents and community, will provide students the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential through an educational climate that fosters accountability, fiscal responsibility and excellence, while enhancing personal character.
The purpose of this training is to: ◦ Explain ways to access important technical support information. ◦ Discuss Why Us? Why Now? ◦ Familiarize parents with rules and procedures which will be expected of students. ◦ Review internet safety guidelines. ◦ Introduce the Required Use Policies (RUP) and laptop care.
CURRICULUM STUDENT MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTION INFRASTRUCTURE CURRICULUM eTexts Supplemental sites and programs STUDENT MANAGEMENT Skyward Historical Data Re-Registration Demographic info Family Access INSTRUCTION Tech Rich Lessons Web 2.0 Tools “Flipping” Formative Assessment Collaboration Innovation INFRASTRUCTURE WiFi Laptops Network migration to Google/Microsoft Google Drive
The Digital Conversion link is found on the District 100 website and all District 100 school websites.
Today’s learners have grown up in a digital world. They have cell phones, computers, multi-dimensional video entertainment, iPods, the Internet, and they have never seen a TV without a remote control. Our children are hyper-communicators, goal planners, multi- taskers, experts at figuring out and using technology, and they are active learners. Students experience a huge gap between their everyday lives and activities when they walk into a classroom -using paper, pencils, listening to one person lecture, reading dated textbooks, and memorizing for a test. Engaging students and making education relevant is critical for our schools to continue to effectively and fully prepare the citizens and leaders of tomorrow. … Because it’s the right thing.
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint Window 7 with all necessary programs to teach the Jersey CUSD 100 curriculum. Internet at Home You will have access to your home internet, but the Jersey CUSD 100 filter will continue to monitor information.
We are continually working with businesses and the community to provide internet access. These locations currently have Wi-Fi access and the list will continue to grow. ◦ Jersey Community High School, Illini Middle School, Jerseyville Public Library, Jerseyville Hospital, The Wellness Center, and many businesses. To see list of businesses:
Carry in provided case at all times Do not walk around with PC open Do not attempt to repair or resolve technical issues. Please visit the HelpDesk immediately. All laptops are the property of JCUSD 100, entrusted to the student to benefit their education
Do not leave unattended (charger and laptop) Avoid eating and drinking near the laptop Avoid getting moisture in any of the openings and do not spray any type of liquid directly on the laptop. Careful when using around young children and pets
Charge nightly
Students will receive training on the use of the laptop during the first week of school and throughout the year. Students will receive ongoing training on Internet safety throughout their education. The device is a tool for expanding educational opportunities for the 21 st century student.
Never give out personal information Never share passwords with anyone Never arrange a face-to-face meeting Do not open an if you do not know who sent it Do not click on banner adds or pop-up ads on websites Never use bad language or send threatening s
Server-based filtering software ◦ Filtering software installed on JCUSD 100 web server. ◦ Devices are filtered in the district and at home. Parents should set and enforce rules for home Internet use ◦ Have computer in a common room (not in the bedroom with the door closed!) ◦ Parents should ask and know student’s personal username and password. ◦ Students are not allowed to CLEAR COMPUTER HISTORY. Reminders concerning ◦ Parents should have access to students’ ◦ Threatening should never be sent BE CAREFUL ◦ Attachments bring danger of viruses BE CAREFUL ◦ Spam=Junk mail=Do not reply
Social networking sites ◦ Facebook, MySpace, Gmail Buzz, Twitter, MeeBo, BeBo, BlackPlanet, Buzznet, Habbo, imeem, Jaiku, MiGente, MyChurch, Windows Live Space, Xanga, and new ones appearing regularly ◦ Talk to your child about social networking Our social network for education is EDMODO or Google Classroom
This is available for viewing under the digital conversion tab and in the student handbooks. RUP will be discussed with all students the first week of school. Just like a textbook or a locker, JCUSD 100 owns the laptop. Students are permitted to use it for educational purposes. District administrators have the right and responsibility to check information on the laptops when there is reasonable suspicion of inappropriate use.
WARNING – IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE RUP TO: Bypass the filter Use another student’s username or password Share passwords Download or install personal software Tamper with hardware
Do not leave a laptop unattended. Keep pets, food, drink, and babies away from the laptop. Laptop may not be used during school lunch. Do not leave your laptop in a vehicle.
What is the fee? ◦ Non Free/Reduced $85.00 ◦ Free/Reduced $75.00 What do you get? ◦ Lenovo Laptop loaded with MS Office, Google Docs, curriculum products, and more ◦ $100 Backpack
If the machine is dropped (Lenovo voids the warranty) If the laptop/charger was “stolen” because it was left UNATTENDED If damage is due to not following the Required Use Policy (RUP)
Keyboards Spills Holding the Device DO NOT attempt the “Home” Fix DO not let students take the laptop to their room at night. Storing the charger Check student often…