All prices from the Big Mac index and HEREBig Mac index HERE See how much families around the world spend on food HEREHERE
Can you guess the price ($USD) of a Big Mac in countries around the world?
Guess the retail prices of the Big Mac in a country. All prices in American dollars. The team closest (but not over) has a chance at the bonus question. Consult with your team on each price. Who is the best shopper in the class?
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Japan
$ 3.61
Name a mountain in Japan? Mt. Fuji
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Japan
$ 3.61
Name a mountain in Japan? Mt. Fuji
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? the USA
$ 3.57
What city? San Francisco
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Norway
$ 6.28
The most popular sport in Norway? Cross Country Skiing
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….……..? Hong Kong
$ 1.71
Hong Kong was once a ….. colony? British
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Russia
$ 2.17
What is the Russian currency called? The Ruble
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? S. Korea
$ 2.82
What year was the World Cup in S. Korea ? 2002
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Egypt
$ 1.61
The Sphinx
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Phillipines
$ 3.61
The capital city is ……….? Manila
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Peru
$ 2.81
What language do they speak in Peru? Spanish
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Switzerland
$ 6.12
The capital city of Switzerland? Berne
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? S. Africa
$ 2.36
Cape of Good …. Hope
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Canada
$ 3.01
Who are the RCMP? Police
How much does a Big Mac cost in ……….…..? Brazil
$ 4.55
How many times has Brazil won the World Cup? Five times!