Practical General Biology The Stem , The Root and The Leaf 2012_2013
The Stem Function of Stem : Stems support photosynthetic leaves and reproductive structures, thus increasing photosynthetic and reproductive efficiency. Stems supply water and minerals to shoots .
The Dicotolydonous Stem (Dicot stem) Component of dicot stem : Epidermis, ground tissue (paranchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchuma, cortex, pith), vascular tissue (xylem, phloem ). Protoxylem vessels : are the smallest vessels, their typical location is towards the pith. Metaxylem vessels: are the larger vessels, their typical location is towards the cortex. Fascicular cambium : is the area between the primary xylem and phloem . Organization of bundle .
The Dicotolydonous Stem (Dicot stem)
The Monocot Stem Component of monocot stem : Epidermis, ground tissue (paranchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchuma), vascular tissue (xylem, phloem ). Random arrangement of the vascular bundles, and its surrounding by sclerenchyma . Not have secondary growth. Xylem the same of V. No have cortex and pith . No have cambium layer .
The Monocot Stem
The Root
The Monocot Root A count of metaxylem if this above 8 it’s monocot root . The roots of monocots are organized into a cortex, with primary xylem and primary phloem in central pith . Not have secondary growth, because absent of cambium . The area of pith are largest, and the phloem is combination with protoxylem . Thicker from one side and have Casparian .
The Dicot Root Number of vascular bundle from 4 to 5 only . Have secondary growth and cambium it’s present . Not have pith . Phloem arrangement with xylem arm to formation vascular bundle . Thicker form all side . Have passage cell .
The Leaf
The Monocot Leaf The vascular bundle it’s spread in the leaf . Not differentiation of Mesophyll . Distribution of Stomata it’s equal in the upper and lower of leaf . Vascular bundles are enclosed by scalarenchyma . Stomata are damples shape . Have buliform cells . Xylem are V shape . venation in the leaf blade : Parallel venation .
The Dicot Leaf Stomata are distribution in lower more than in upper. Stomata are kidney shape . Have not buliform cell in upper epidermis . Mesophyll is homogenus and are distinguished between Palisade and Spongy paranchyma. Vascular bundles are large and central and phloem is toward the lower epidermis .
The collenchyma present in upper and lower . Waxy layer in upper epidermis are thicker . Waxy layer in lower epidermis are thinner, because have stomata . Have not scolarenchyma . Venation in the leaf blade : Network venation .
Good Luck