General MSK Laurie Lomasney, MD Professor Department of Radiology
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor Locale –Axial –Appendicular
General MSK by Disease Category Disease processes often follow predictable patterns of radiographic change Disease processes usually follow particular distribution patterns Pretest probability enhances image interpretation and directed reporting
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor
Arthropathy Characteristics –Bone density –Erosions –Alignment Distribution –Poly vs mono –Symmetric vs asymmetric –Peripheral small vs central large
Arthropathy Periartic demin Prox/Symmetric swelling Wrist/MCP erosions Palmar/Ulnar deviat Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthropathy Preserved density Asymmetric swelling Prox + Distal asymm erosions Psoriasis
Arthropathy Osteoarthritis Variable density No erosions Eccentric joint narrow Marginal proliferation
Arthropathy Preserved density Debris Sclerosis Malalignment Charcot Arthropathy
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor
Infection Characteristics –Periarticular demineralization –Bone erosion –Periosteal new bone –(Adjacent ST defect or Foreign body) Distribution –Focal/monostotic vs Multifocal (uncommon)
Infection Metaphyseal osteomyelitis
Infection DIP Pyarthrosis Hip Pyarthrosis
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor
Congenital Variable appearance Variable consequence –Incidental –Pathologic Always Sometimes –Unknown
Congenital Ossification neural groove
Congenital Os Acromiale
Congenital Os tibiale externum
Congenital = 80% Narrow Bony Canal
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor
Vascular (Avascular necrosis) Multiple etiologies –Steroid therapy –Collagen vascular disease –Post-traumatic Staged appearance –Sclerosis –Collapse –Secondary osteoarthritis
Avascular necrosis Lunate AVN
Avascular necrosis Femoral head AVN
General MSK Disease Categories –Arthropathy –Infection –Congenital –Vascular –Tumor
Tumor Etiologies – Multiple Distribution – Specific to process –Axial vs appendicular –Monostotic vs polyostotic –Medullary vs eccentric –Child vs Adult
Tumor Characteristics to observe –Well-defined vs permeative –Cortical destruction –Periosteal new bone –Internal matrix –Soft tissue mineralization/mass
Tumor Non-ossifying fibroma
Tumor Giant cell tumor
Tumor Enchondroma
Tumor Chondrosarcoma
Tumor Osteogenic sarcoma
Tumor Osteosarcoma Gross pathology
General MSK Radiology is a four-year residency Pathology generally follows a predictable imaging pattern Knowledge of patterns can enhance image interpretation
You know you’re in medicine when: You compliment strangers on the size of their veins. You occasionally have to leave a patient's room before you start laughing uncontrollably.. You have recurring nightmares about being knocked to the floor and run over by a portable x-ray machine.
Thank you Laurie Lomasney, MD