ENI Cross Border Cooperation & Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum: Working Group July 2015, Brussels Nathalie Thiberge, DG NEAR, European Commission
ENI CBC Programmes
What is the CBC between Member States and Partner countries for ? Avoid creation of new dividing lines Contribute to integrated and sustainable regional development between neighbouring border regions and harmonious territorial cooperation over the borders
First generation of integrated CBC between Member States and Partner countries: ENPI CBC As from 2007: Fully integrated projects with one contract covering both sides of the borders Single set of rules Grants cover up to 90% of the eligible expenditure Pooled ERDF/ENPI funding (+ national cofinancing in some cases) Total EU contribution: 950 m EUR (ERDF + ENPI) 13 (out of 15 initially envisaged) Programmes on- going on the EU external borders with Joint Managing Authorities established in Member States
What types of Projects did we implement so far? 1."Standard projects" selected via Call for proposals: 933 ongoing or already finalised 2. Large Scale Projects identified and selected directly by the participating countries – Direct award. 51 projects mainly on renovation of border crossing points, roads etc. => Civil Society Organisations represent approx. 25% of beneficiaries and partners
So far, CBC between MS and neighbouring countries in a nutshell: High quality project implementation (confirmed by external monitoring) Strong interest and commitment at all levels (programme & project) despite a difficult context (political crisis etc) "CBC" impact to be reinforced (new programmes more targeted) Capacity building needs at local level in Partner countries
EaP Countries in ENPI CBC Out of the current 13 operational Programmes, 6 involve EaP partners countries: - Baltic Sea (Belarus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Germany, Latvia; Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden) (ENPI funding: 22.6 MEUR) - Black Sea Basin Programme (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) (17.3 MEUR) - Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine (68.6 MEUR) - Latvia/Lithuania/Belarus (41.7 MEUR) - Poland/Belarus/Ukraine (186.2 MEUR) -Romania/Ukraine/Republic of Moldova (126.7 MEUR)
Examples of funded projects on SME Development Lead you Way to Business (Romania Ukraine Moldova) Total Budget + Funding Total: EUR (EU Funding: EUR ) Duration (dates) :March Jan 2014 Lead Partner: Organization for SME sector development, Moldova Project Partners: Asociatia Patronatul Judetean al Intreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii Iasi (PJIMM), Romania Promotion of investment opportunities and cooperation between small and medium sized enterprises through development of cross-border ties in the Carpathian region (Hungary Slovakia Romania Ukraine) Total Budget + Funding Total: EUR (EU Funding: EUR ) Duration (dates) : Jan Sept 2015 Lead Partner: Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Development Centre for Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Maramures, Romania
What next? The ENI CBC Continuity principle Shared management More financial responsibilities to both MS and PC 17 programmes (3 trilateral programmes split into bilateral ones and a new "basin programme" the Mid Atlantic Sea Basin) 4 out of 10 Thematic objectives to select per programme
ENI CBC programmes (EU contribution 1,052 MEUR) Out of the expected 17 operational Programmes, 7 involve EaP partners countries: - Baltic Sea (Belarus; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Germany, Latvia; Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden) (ENI funding: 8.8MEUR) - Black Sea Basin Programme (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) (39 MEUR) - Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine (73.9 MEUR) - Latvia/Lithuania/Belarus (74 MEUR) - Poland/Belarus/Ukraine (175.7MEUR) -Romania/Ukraine (60 MEUR) - Romania/Republic of Moldova (81MEUR)
How is support to SME development tackled in the ENI CBC programmes Thematic Objective 'Business and SME development" selected by participating countries for one programme involving EaP Countries: Black Sea Basin: with a focus on tourism, culture and agriculture => However, SME development can be tackled under other thematic areas (e.g. Culture)
Expected timeline Submission of JOP: 30 June 2015 ( to secure 2015 ERDF allocation) Objective: Decision adopted by the EC by the end of 2015 ( if not: both 2015 ENI and ERDF allocations lost) Financing agreements to be signed at the latest at the end of the year following the programme adoption (2016) First calls for proposals 2016/2017 First projects: 2017
Black Sea Business and SME development Environmental protection, and climate change mitigation and adaptation Latvia Lithuania Belarus Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty Support to local and regional good governance Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage Promotion of border management and border security Poland Belarus Ukraine Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems Common challenges in the field of safety and security Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management Romania Ukraine Support to education, research, technological development and innovation Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and communication networks and systems Common challenges in the field of safety and security Romania Moldova Support to education, research, technological development & innovation Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and communication networks and systems Common challenges in the field of safety and security Hungary Slovakia Romania Ukraine Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate proof transport and communication networks and systems Common challenges in the field of safety and security Baltic Sea Region (DG REGIO) Priority 1 ‘Capacity for innovation’ Priority 2 ‘Efficient management of natural resources’ Priority 3 ‘Sustainable transport’ Priority 4 ‘Institutional capacity for macro-regional cooperation’
Want to know more? border-cooperation/index_en.htm border-cooperation/index_en.htm (Cross-Border Cooperation 'neighbourhood' group)
EAP Territorial Cooperation Programmes
Eap Territorial Cooperation Overview Overall objective: promote sustainable development between neighbouring regions of the EaP countries through territorial cooperation Timeframe: Budget: € 9.3 million (ENI funding) Management: indirect management with GIZ (contracting authority) Implementation: cross-border projects selected through calls for proposals Average project size: € – Beneficiaries: State and non-State actors CSOs
EaP Territorial cooperation Programmes ProgrammeBudget (€ million) Armenia-Georgia1.35 Azerbaijan-Georgia1.35 Belarus-Ukraine3.30 Moldova-Ukraine3.30
Operational objectives Improving living conditions of local communities Addressing common challenges in environment, employment, health and other fields of common interest Culture, education and sports Programmes have adopted own priorities under each operational objective
State of play Call for proposals closed on Project selection finalised Armenia-Georgia Call for proposals to be announced in July- August 2015 Azerbaijan-Georgia Call for proposals to be announced in July- August 2015 Belarus-Ukraine Call for proposals open until Moldova-Ukraine