INTRODUCTION Ancient Greece has had a tremendous influence on our world’s history. Many ideas that the Greeks came up with are still being used today. Throughout this web quest you will learn about the ancient Greek culture and way of life.
TASK Your task is to learn all about the ancient Greek culture. You will first learn about their religion and the Gods that they believed in. Next, you will learn about the Olympics. The ancient Greeks created the Olympics. Next, you will learn about the daily life and the two most important city-states, Athens and Sparta. You will learn about how they are different but also contributed to the success and long standing influences this culture has had on our world.
PROCESS Step 1 Go to the following links to learn about the Anciet Greek Gods. Choose at least 3 gods and write a summary about, what they were the god of and the story about them. Step 2 The following link informs you about the Ancient Olympics. Read about the different city-states and their contributions to the Olympics. When you have viewed this site, write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the ancient Olympics to the modern Olympics.
PROCESS Step 3 This link will bring you to a BrainPop video all about Athens. This will give you good background knowledge about their culture and influences they had. Step 4 This following link will inform you all about the Ancient Greek culture. Your task for this site is to view the sections on Athens and Sparta to learn more about each city state. This is important because your final task involves you to choose between living in either Athens or Sparta. When viewing this site you will want to take notes on their governments, daily life, and armies.
TASK Directions: After learning about Athens and Sparta, you should have a good idea of which polis (city-state) you would rather live in. For this project you will choose either Athens or Sparta and create a poster or travel brochure ad for your polis. You have the choice between either Athens or Sparta. The purpose of this poster is to convince people to visit your Polis. You will want to make your poster/ travel brochure visually appealing. Information to Include: Tell about its advantages to visitors or potential home owners. Highlights may include: cultural activities (such as drama, music and arts); recreation, athletics and sports; architecture and famous sites; schools; accommodations (like homes where the tourists can stay with some of the locals or homes for sale); transportation; and food. Include a map showing where the polis is located. In another smaller section you may want to add "travel alerts" which warn the tourist of some of the dangers he/she might encounter while staying in your city-state.
CONCLUSION Directions: After learning about Athens and Sparta, you should have a good idea of which polis (city-state) you would rather live in. For this project you will choose either Athens or Sparta and create a poster or travel brochure ad for your polis. You have the choice between either Athens or Sparta. The purpose of this poster is to convince people to visit your Polis. You will want to make your poster/ travel brochure visually appealing. Information to Include: Tell about its advantages to visitors or potential home owners. Highlights may include: cultural activities (such as drama, music and arts); recreation, athletics and sports; architecture and famous sites; schools; accommodations (like homes where the tourists can stay with some of the locals or homes for sale); transportation; and food. Include a map showing where the polis is located. In another smaller section you may want to add "travel alerts" which warn the tourist of some of the dangers he/she might encounter while staying in your city-state.