Geography Mountainous- isolated valleys Peninsula- surrounded by water Islands- stimulated trade & colonies Connected by language & religion
What is the Polis? City-state- a city & its surrounding towns Emerges about 750 B.C. Center of Greek identity & loyalty Gave people a sense of belonging The good of the polis was top priority Citizen participation- vote, fight in army, hold public office, & speak for themselves in court.
Agora The city’s central marketplace. Center of news, political discussion, & trade. Citizens gathered in the agora for military duty
Acropolis A fortified hill with places of worship Parthenon- dedicated to Athena, patron goddess of Athens
Governments Monarchy- King Aristocracy- noble landowners Tyranny- power by force Oligarchy- business or military class Democracy- rule by citizens
Sparta Government- 2 kings, council of elders, assembly of citizens, 5 ephors Citizenship for native-born Spartan men over age 30 Helots- state owned slaves System of strict control over people’s lives Emphasis on military virtues, discipline, fitness, and strength Prohibition against trade, travel, or mixing with other city-states Scornful of wealth Women expected to keep fit to have healthy babies; could own property
Athens Glorification of the individual Wealth and power of aristocracy Trade with other city-states Government participation expected of male citizens Slaves with no political rights or freedoms Military training & broad education for boys Women- limited rights; keepers of home & family Solon- late 500's B.C. father of democracy Cleisthenes- 508 B.C. expanded democracy to all citizens Pericles- 460 B.C. height of Athens’ power, had the Parthenon rebuilt