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Polis: The Center of Greek Life City state or polis-city with own economy and government-controlled surrounding countryside. Became the central focus of Greek life. Organization of City States Built around a hill-at top of hill was a fortified area called “Acropolis”. Below was an Agora, an open area below that served as a public meeting place and market.
Athens Greece Polis
Polis Community People in a polis shared a common identity and common goals. Consists of citizens……… With political rights (adult males), With no political rights (women and children), not citizens (laborers, slaves, resident aliens). New military system developed. Based on Hoplites, who were heavily armed foot soldiers. Fought in a Phalanx.
Greek Expansion- Greek Colonies Colonies along Mediterranean-also Black Sea like Byzantium (By-zan-tium) later called Constantinople and now Istanbul. Greeks spread their culture and political ideas. Led to increased trade and industry. Created a new group of wealthy individuals.
Tyranny in the city states a. New group of rich men fostered the rise of tyrants. Were rulers who seized power by force from the aristocrats. Gained and kept power by using hired soldiers. b. Try to help poor and launched public work projects. c. Led to end of rule by aristocrats and in some led to the development of democracy. (Government by the people or rule by many) d. Some kept oligarchy (ruled by the few).
Two rival city states Sparta Athens Conquered lands, captured people known as Helots. Create a military state. Lives were rigidly organized and tightly controlled. Men in military most of life. Women lived at home so had a greater freedom. Government was an oligarchy-2 Kings, led the army; Ephors (5men)elected every year and control education. Isolated city state, war was ideal. King ruled early 7 th century oligarchy-controlled by aristocrats. Had economic problems so turn to Solon- reform minded aristocrat who cancelled debts. Followed by Peisistratus who helped poor-gave land. Cleisthenes creates Council of 500 to handle laws and foreign affairs. Laid foundation for democracy.
4-2 Review Heavily armed foot soldiers Hoplites A Spartan warrior was told to return from war… Carrying his shield or being carried on it. The word Spartan has come to mean Highly self-disciplined Fortified area on a hilltop Acropolis Elected members of Sparta’s oligarchy Ephors Aristocrats in Athens did all of the following EXCEPT? Reject Solon. The reforms of Cleisthenes? Laid the foundations of democracy.
4-2 Review Greek tyrants were Rulers who seized power by force City, town, or village and surroundings Polis