List step of finding percent of a whole (discount is same thing) Question of day
agenda 1. check foldable 2. review questions 3. ice cream worksheet
Lets check our foldable Discount A certain percentage off a price Find the percent of the whole price and subtract it Find the percent the part is of the whole Markdown A certain percentage off the price, usually an entire store or product Find the percent of the whole price and subtract Find the percent the part is of the whole
Foldable Tip Commission Fees and taxes An extra amount of money given for a service Find the percent of the price and add it A certain percentage of money earned in addition to a salary Find the percent of your earnings and add it Additional money due after price Find the percent of the price and add it to price
Make sure you have an example of each Finish foldable These can be example problems Work with partner on Ice Cream worksheet
Justin took a math test and got 35 correct and 10 incorrect answers Justin took a math test and got 35 correct and 10 incorrect answers. What was the percentage of correct answers? (Round to the nearest hundredth) Joanna answered 86 problems on a test correctly and received a grade 98%. How many problems were on the test, if all the problems were worth the same number of points? (Round to the nearest whole number)
Tahjere, a baseball pitcher, won 80% of the games he pitched Tahjere, a baseball pitcher, won 80% of the games he pitched. If he pitched 35 ballgames, how many games did he win?
Exit ticket List steps in solving a proportion “ cross, cross, divide”