Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Pastoral Staff Dr. Eric G. Fuller Senior Pastor Rev. Brian A. Lashley Assoc. Pastor of Worship Rev. Larry Morrison Assoc. Pastor of Youth & Education
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Bro. Brian Lashley: Minister on Call
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World David Farmer David McNeill Deacon Chairman Donnie Roden Deacons of the Week
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Nursery: Morning Bed Babies – Charlotte Hyde & Sonia McSwain Toddlers/Threes – Chris & Jessica Dimasi Wednesday – Tina & Caroline Walker Today’s Volunteers
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Counters Cherie Funkhouser & James Beard Ushers Randy Carr, Scott Phillips, Jim Ed Raby, Dwayne Howell, Norman Dull Greeters Ushers, John Pierce, John Stubbert, Angela Roden Today’s Volunteers
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Children’s Church Tammy Coulter Candy Brigade Barbara Blankenship Today’s Volunteers
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Deacons Meeting 4:00pm In the Conference Room
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Deacons Nominations Forms are on the Welcome counter to nominate a man from our church body. There is a basket for nominations.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Finance Committee Meeting Meeting 4:00pm
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Discipleship Training Tonight: 6:00 in the AC “Why Jesus”
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World October is Pastor Appreciation Month Next Sunday, following the morning worship service, we will have a lunch to honor our pastors. The church will provide the meat, so please bring sides and desserts to share.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Fall Festival 5:15-7:30pm. Hotdogs and chips, Chili contest, Hayrides, Smores; Starts at 5:30pm--Please have your chili there by 5:25pm to be judged, Candy bags for the kids. Please bring your favorite dessert to share.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldChoir There will be no Adult Choir, Children’s Choir or Handbell practice today
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldHandbells Adult Handbells today at 4:15pm
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Wednesday Night 5:00 – 5:50Wed. Night Supper Menu: Taco Salad 5:45 – 7:00Youth Worship Service 6:00 – 7:00RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends,
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World LIVE STREAMING NOW AVAILABLE!! Go to Under “quick links” section click on live streaming to hear the Sunday morning service live!! HBC On-Line
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Sunday Worship Schedule 9: :30Sunday School 10: :00Worship Service 4:15 - 5:25HBC Handbells 5:00 – 6:00 Youth Ensembles/ Puppets/ special activities with youth and children 5:30 – 7:00Adult choir practice 6:00 – 7:00 Adult & Youth Discipleship & childrens choir
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Wednesday Worship Schedule 5:00 – 5:50Wed. Night Supper 5:45 – 7:00Youth Worship Service 6:00 – 7:00 RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Bible Drill 6:00 – 7:00Mid-Week Worship Service
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World New Member Class 6:00 pm. This class is being taught by Basil Fee and is for all new members, Christians new to the Baptist denomination or anyone interested in learning more about Baptists. Contact the church office for more info.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World New Member Launch If you have recently joined HBC or are ‘thinking about membership’, we would like to invite you to stay for lunch and meet the staff on Sunday,Oct.17th. Please RSVP by Wed. Oct. 13th ( ) or send an
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Nursery Workers! Is this YOUR CALLING?? We have a need for nursery workers. If you are interested in serving on a rotating basis please contact the church office.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Ladies Bible Study Beth Moore's study on Revelation; Starting on Tue. or Thur. at 9am in the A/C through Nov. 16th. The books are $9. Please sign up on the Welcome Counter.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldWMU October 19 th 6:30 Come help sort materials for the Edwin Hodges ministry All ladies are welcome
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldXYZ What is XYZ? XYZ is a time when Senior Adults come together to renew their spirits, share prayer concerns, have a time of fellowship, and following a program, share a meal together. Come and join us !!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Senior News Coming in October - Eugene and Joann Charbonneau will be our guest for XYZ. Some of you will remember Gene and Joann. They are former members of HBC
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Senior News Oct XYZ Club Meeting at 10:00 in A/C.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World “R” & “O” Teams Monday Oct. 18th 6:30pm in the A.C.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World No GROW this week “R” & “O” will meet Monday Oct. 18
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Current Newsletter & October Calendar Available on the welcome center
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldBaptism Baptism service scheduled for Sunday October 31st
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World College Care Packages Remember our college students that are away from home for the first time. We will be collecting items for "care packages." Please put your donations in the basket in the welcome area or give them to Dawn Farmer.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Veggie Tales Live Decatur Baptist Church on Friday, Oct. 29th at 7PM. We will be taking the church bus and ALL children and parents are welcome to go. This is for Pre-School through 6th grade.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The WorldCommunity Thanksgiving Serivce Mt. Zion Baptist Church Sunday evening, Nov. 21st at 6PM.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Fall Festival 5:15-7:30pm. Hotdogs and chips, Chili contest, Hayrides, Smores; Starts at 5:30pm--Please have your chili there by 5:25pm to be judged, Candy bags for the kids. Please bring your favorite dessert to share.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Upcoming Ministry Opportunities Downtown Rescue Mission Thanksgiving Dinners Samaritan's Purse Shoe boxes Thanksgiving Baskets for shut-in and Elderly Lottie Moon Christmas offering
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World 5:00pm
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World SUNDAY NIGHT 4:00pm Praise Band 5:00pm SLAM 6:00pm Descipleship WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:00pm – 7:00pm Youth Worship Service
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Wednesday Night Dinner Thank you for all of the support on Wednesday nights!! The turn out for meals has been great and the fellowship has been outstanding!!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Wednesday Night Dinner Please help us in the following areas: If your children eat outside please bring in their trash If you use the A.C. please be sure to leave it as you found it Invite someone to Wednesday night dinner
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Food Pantry Needs THANK YOU!! The food pantry is well stocked but is still in need of the following items: Mac-N-Cheese, PASTA SAUCE, SYRUP AND CANNED MILK, JAM OR JELLY, CANNED FRUIT. Our community uses this ministry heavily so please give..
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Alabama Baptist Cost is $13.00 per year If you do not receive that weekly publication and would like to, call the church office. You can add that amount to your tithe and include in your numbered envelope, but make sure you mark that amount for your subscription.
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World HBC Group Want to join the HBC yahoo group? Just or call the church office and we will add you ( )
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Miss Last Weeks Sermon? You can check out the CD from the HBC Library!!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Tithe Envelopes If you need your own personal set of tithe envelopes please contact The church office.