TREASURE HUNT ► There is $500 hidden in the school. ► Follow the directions and clues to find the CASH!!
Directions: ► ► ► ► ► ’ ►
Underground Railroad What do you know about it?
► An informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by black slaves to escape to free states & Canada. ► Abolitionists helped slaves to destination ► Traveled mainly on foot or by wagon
Terms ► Conductors ► Stations ► Stockholders ► Agents ► passengers
Symbols Slaves were uneducated and illiterate ► Drinking gourd song & constellation ► ok/Title_Units/UnderGround/ur_flashgames/gourd _song_final.html ok/Title_Units/UnderGround/ur_flashgames/gourd _song_final.html ok/Title_Units/UnderGround/ur_flashgames/gourd _song_final.html ► provided slaves with coded directions for an Underground Railroad escape route north from Alabama & Mississippi. ► It instructs escapees to travel up the Tombigbee River, cross over to the Tennessee River, and follow it to the Ohio River where they could cross to freedom in the North.
Symbols Quilts ► Quilts were used to signal & direct slaves to escape routes & assistance ► 10 quilt patterns ► Placed one at a time on a fence a fence ► Signal to prepare to escape and give direction to escape and give direction
Lantern in the window ► Of a house was a sign of a “safe house” for food & shelter.
Moses is Coming: Harriet Tubman Breathing Free: William Still
Harriet “Moses” Tubman ► Maryland slave; terribly beaten & whipped as a child ► Escaped to Philadelphia in 1849 ► Rescued over 70 slaves; helped them through Underground Railroad ► Recruited men w/ John Brown for raid on Harper’s Ferry ► Spy for Union army in Civil War ► First woman to lead armed expedition in the war
William Still ► Free African-American, lived in Philadelphia ► Father of the Underground Railroad ► Helped as many as 60 slaves a month to freedom ► kept meticulous records of all slaves that he helped
The Journey of Henry “Box” Brown ► One of the more fascinating parts of the story of Henry “Box” Brown is how Brown spent over 24 hours in a box during his trip. How big was the box? Would you be comfortable in it? Let’s find out… ► One of the more fascinating parts of the story of Henry “Box” Brown is how Brown spent over 24 hours in a box during his trip. How big was the box? Would you be comfortable in it? Let’s find out… ► “Ordinary modes of travel he concluded might prove disastrous to his hopes; he, therefore, hit upon a new invention altogether, which was to have himself boxed up and forwarded to Philadelphia direct by express. The size of the box and how it was to be made to fit him most comfortably, was of his own ordering. Two feet eight inches deep, two feet wide, and three feet long were the exact dimensions of the box, lined with baize. His resources with regard to food and water consisted of the following: One bladder of water and a few small biscuits. His mechanical implement to meet the death-struggle for fresh air, all told, was one large gimlet." ► “Ordinary modes of travel he concluded might prove disastrous to his hopes; he, therefore, hit upon a new invention altogether, which was to have himself boxed up and forwarded to Philadelphia direct by express. The size of the box and how it was to be made to fit him most comfortably, was of his own ordering. Two feet eight inches deep, two feet wide, and three feet long were the exact dimensions of the box, lined with baize. His resources with regard to food and water consisted of the following: One bladder of water and a few small biscuits. His mechanical implement to meet the death-struggle for fresh air, all told, was one large gimlet."
► The Underground Railroad in York ► Movie clip