2016 Transitional GEO Work Programme Discussion & CONSOLIDATION Session 10, 2015 GEO Work Plan Symposium Geneva, 7 May 2015 Alan Edwards (IPWG) Giovanni Rum (GEO Sec) Douglas Cripe (GEO Sec) And most importantly YOU – The GEO Community
Page 2 Outline of the Document Suite For the GEO-XII Plenary and 2015 Ministerial 1.Ministerial Summary (2 pages) 2. Strategic Plan (approx. 10 pages) and Annexes to the Strategic Plan: GEO Rules of Procedure Description of Implementation Mechanisms Architectural Elements Monitoring & Evaluation framework 3. Work Programme The Strategic Plan, its Annexes and Work Programme are intended to provide all GEO Members and PO with a complete overview of the information required to reach decisions on GEO activities in support of GEO's Strategic Objectives and the implementation of the GEOSS.
Page 3 So for the Plenary we need to prepare a draft 2016 Work Programme And to do this, we need YOUR help. The AIM of this Session Is to discuss and consolidate the structure and content of the 2016 transitional GEO Work Programme The OUTCOME of this session Should enable the IPWG, supported by the GEO Sec., to develop the next draft of the Work Programme for broad consultation.
Page 4 The GEO Work Programme presents the activities that GEO undertakes to achieve its Strategic Objectives. It describes GEO Flagships, GEO Initiatives and GEO Community activities, and defines GEO Foundational Tasks. The GEO Work Programme serves two functions: ● It is used by GEO Members and PO to agree on priorities and activities, including the use of GEO Trust Fund and GEOSec resources. By quantifying resources needed for the activities the Work Programme provides a tool to match GEO's ambitions with available resources. ● The Work Programme also provides an overview of what GEO plans to undertake towards achieving its Strategic Objectives. It provides an information resource helping stakeholders to align their contributions. Strategic Plan: Section 4 Implementation – Work Programme
Page 5 In order for GEO to be financially stable, GEO activities need to be properly funded. The implementation mechanisms set out in Section 4 adopt a resourcing model where resources committed are commensurate with the type of activity (i.e. GEO Flagships, GEO Initiatives, Community Activities, Foundational Tasks). Contributions are: Typically made in-kind, e.g. by observation systems operated to serve the Initiative’s objectives, models, funded research projects or programmes; But may also include direct financial contributions or those that are earmarked within the Trust Fund as being in support of a particular activity. Strategic Plan: Section 6 Resources – GEO Activities
Page 6 Description: Advances in data sharing and broadening acceptance of the GEO Data Sharing Principles (DSP) have been an important success of GEO to date. Promoting the continued adoption of free, full, open and timely data access as a societal benefit remains one of GEO’s Core Functions. … Implementation mechanism: a GEO Foundational Task, implemented by the Members of the DSWG with support from the GEO Secretariat. Resources (purely for illustrative purposes): The activity is resourced from the Members of the DSWG. Some support is provided by the GEOSec. In particular, the GEOSec will assign a full-time IT professional to implement measures that enhance the use and uptake of GEOSS data, in particular through the GEOSS Data-CORE. EXAMPLE (purely for illustrative purposes) Data Sharing Source * GEO Sec25,00075,000Staff time EC25,000 Staff time (in kind) USA25,000 Staff time Trust Fund/ Member/ In-kind 100,000300,000IT Expert
Page 7 Some questions What should be kept in the current draft of the WP? What should be revised? What will not work? And what is missing? And (amongst many others) issues to be addressed: How do we ensure effective cross-cutting? For example, do we need (a) Synergy Board(s) to enhance: operations / requirment capture / development? How do we embed GEO's unique convening power within the Work Programme?power
Page 8 ENGAGE: The GEO Community, SBAa and Users Strategic Plan: Section 2 Scope & Strategic Objectives: Advocate, Engage & Deliver
Page 9 The 4 Implementation Mechanisms set out in the Plan are: GEO Community Activities: they enable a broad variety of activities, allowing stakeholders to cooperate flexibly in a bottom-up fashion and with a low initiation cost. GEO Initiatives: they develop and implement prototype services (e.g., demonstrating technical feasibility through pilot products), according to GEO priorities. They allow Members and PO to coordinate their actions and contributions within an agreed, yet flexible framework. GEO Flagships: they develop and implement pre-operational services according to GEO priorities. They allow Members and PO to spin-up an operational service serving common needs. GEO Foundational Tasks: they enable GEO to implement selected, often enabling, tasks to achieve GEO Strategic Objectives and Targets. Advisory mechanisms, such as Advisory Boards, may be set up for individual Foundational Tasks, as required. Strategic Plan: Section 4 Implementation - Mechanisms
Page 10 A GEO Programme Board, comprised of individuals elected from among Members and Participating Organizations, will oversee the development and implementation of the GEO Work Programme. The GEO Programme Board: ensures alignment with the priorities of GEO Members & PO; identifies resource commitments by GEO Members & PO. The Work Programme is presented for acceptance by Plenary. By accepting the Work Programme GEO: Accepts that the GEO Foundational Tasks should be implemented with the resources indicated; and Takes note that the GEO Flagships, GEO Initiatives and GEO Community Activities are expected to be implemented with the corresponding indicative resources. Strategic Plan: Section 4 Implementation – Work Programme