Action of Contrast to Contrast to Hydraulic Hydraulic Emergency in Emergency in LOcal LOcal Urban Urban Site SiteACHELOUS
Financial instrument Preparedness and prevention projects Grant Agreement No. ECHO/SUB/2013/ Project duration: 24 months – 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2015 Total eligible costs: EUR EC co-financing: EUR (75%) Administrative Overview
Municipality of Vicenza (I) University of Padua (I) Municipality of Arad (RO) Municipality of Paggaio (GR) University of Thessaly (GR) Municipality of Borino (BG) City of Skopje (MK) For the North Great Plain Region (H) Virovitica – Podravina County (HR)
Partner Total costs of the actions Partner contribution EC contribution CO – Municipality of Vicenza (Italy) , ,50 AB1 - University of Padua (Italy) , ,00 AB2 - Municipality of Arad (Romania) , ,25 AB3 - Municipality of Paggaio (Greece) , ,50 AB4 - University of Thessaly (Greece) , ,50 AB5 - Municipality of Borino (Bulgaria) , ,25 AB6 - City of Skopye (Macedonia) , ,00 AB7 - “For the North Great Plain Region” (Hungary) , ,50 AB8 - Virovitica – Podravina Country (Croatia) , , , ,00 Project Funding Breakdown
ACHELOUS project short description 1 Background information The project idea background has sourced after a series of flood events occurred in Vicenza between 2010 and 2012 which showed a lack of organization at territorial level. In particular there was not efficient common procedures of action among the local Civil Protection Authorities of the area interested by the hydraulic emergency. Project main objective The project aim to create a Local Risk District in each country partner that will merge into 1 Project Risk District. In the local district the civil protection experts could exchange ideas and build an active dialog. This experience will involve the experts from "The European Civil Protection Training Program" in order to detect the best procedures possible in line with the EU policies and guidelines. The project include 5 modules of civil protection exercises on field and a final exercise for procedures validation. The Mechatronic department of the University of Padua will develop a monitoring system that will be used to document all the activity on field during the project.
Why the project is necessary - Need of identify the best practices about the management of flood emergency among the partners - Need of improve the management efficiency of hydrogeological and hydraulic emergency. - Need of improve the skills of Civil Protection local experts. - Need of involve forces during an emergency operation (citizenship, volunteers, equipments...). - Need of create stronger links between partners and European Mechanism of Civil Protection ACHELOUS project short description 2
Task Title Start date End date Deliverables Management and reporting to the Commission Jan 2014 Dec Kick off meeting in Brussels - First and second progress reporto to the Commission - 3 Partnership meeting (entire partnership) - 6 Project newsletter for the partner - 6 Internal reports about the project activities - 1 Final meeting in Brussels Creation of Local Risk Districts (LRDs) Feb 2014 May Guidelines report for creating LRDs - Creation of 6 LRDs - Creation of ACHELOUS Risk District - Project of an emergency monitoring system Census of current local procedures Jun 2014 Sep LRDs workgroups - LRDs documents of local strategies - Unique Project Document of local strategies Shared definition of the best practices Oct 2014 Feb Technical workshop with ECPTP experts - Unique Project Document of the best strategies - Shared emergency monitoring system Deliverables 1
Task Title Start date End date Deliverables Separated modules testing Mar 2015 Jul Operational modules testing programme - Civil Protection exercises - Videos monitoring report of the Civil Protection exercises - Module Testing Evaluation Document Preparedness final procedures Aug 2015 Oct Final Civil Protection exercise program - Final Civil Protection exercise - Video monitoring report of Civil Protection final exercise - ACHELOUS final document Publicity and dissemination of the result Jan 2014 Dec Communication plan - Official web site - Publication on local, national and EU press - 6 Local Events for the presentation of LRDs -6 Local event, organized by each partner in occasion of the exercise - 1 Final event - 1 Layman’s Report in electronic format Deliverables 2
Mayor events EventDatePlace Kick off meeting22/01/2014Brussels Partnership meeting February 2014Vicenza (Italy) October 2014Volos (Greece) May 2015Skopje (Macedonia) Technical workshopOctober 2014Volos (Greece) Separated modules testing presented by a respective local public event April 2015Virovitica (Croatia) May 2015Skopje (Macedonia) May 2015Arad (Romania) June 2015 Paggaio (Greece) Borino (Bulgaria Final exerciseOctober 2015Vicenza (Italy) Final EventNovember 2015Vicenza (Italy) Final meeting--Brussels
Follow up - ACHELOUS Risk District will continue to exist as contact point and junction between the involved partners. - ACHELOUS website will continue to be a platform to share experiences in actions of contrast to hydraulic emergencies. - The monitoring system created for ACHELOUS project will continue to be employed also in real emergency situations. - It will be guaranteed the continuation of the activity of LRDs. - All the Local Authorities that will join the LRDs will keep minimum one person in charge of working for disseminating the activities and result finalized to create news LRDs around Europe.
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